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helloooo! first things first, if you haven't read the description, i recommend reading it before the story starts :)

that being said, welcome to my half-assed, rushed, dnf fanfic!

i'm literally writing this all off of sleep deprivation and boredom so yeah... this should be fun as f u c k

i'm sorry if it's rushed or if certain things don't line up- please just iGnOrE tHaT 😭

again, there will be trigger warnings at the beginning and end of every section that needs it! also there will mature language and just general talk of weapons... too much and too random for me to put a trigger warning for it so i'm sorry :(

also, in the description, that list of tw's made this story sound super serious and sad- it's not aS bAd as you probably think. it's just an apocalypse aesthetic... so that's kinda just... there

buttttt! a few more things before we get started:

there will be a song at the beginning of every chapter. you don't have to listen to it, but it's there for an idea of the mood of the chapter. the lyrics aren't always matching up, but the just overall tone of it y'know- i kinda communicate through music and i suck at writing so that was the next best thing

i understand that some people can't read with music, or that everyone has different music tastes, or you wanna imagine the chapter the way you want and that's perfectly okay- it's just my take on it :)

ALSOOO! i love technoblade... just because he's the conflict in this story doesn't mean i don't like him- i love him sm, it's just how the story ended up getting told i guess. just please don't get mad at me for making him the bad guy or an asshole 🏃

annnnnd... there will be plot convenience- okay? just to make my life easier- it's hard to write some things, like- "The TV's don't work but yet they have a fridge and pLumBinG"

please just ignore the simple plot holes like that... ples 👨‍🦯

... speaking of plot convenience... this is the house. yes, they exist in a city in this story, but i like writing things in the setting of a house, with stairs, and a backyard... so shh

things are color-coded

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things are color-coded. rooms with two colors means that they share it, so just keep that in mind throughout the story :)

karlnapity is very much here as well, because i can

another thing i wanna clear up: ghoulies do not spread by scratching or biting a human. it's not spread by contact or anything. ghoulies are there for reasons that no one knows and they just started populating the earth oNe dAy 

so, i think that's it

thanks for clicking on my story :) hope you enjoy it <3

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