𝚝 𝚑 𝚒 𝚛 𝚝 𝚎 𝚎 𝚗

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trigger warning // briefly mentions not eating, general talk of weapons ( you know the drill, go to the SECOND❗️when you get to it to skip, love you! )

George was walking back and forth on the roof, trying not to fall asleep. He was walking along the edge when he heard a knock at a window below him. He looked down and saw Dream waiting outside his window

George smiled and looked at him for a while until deciding to say something "Dream!" he whisper-shouted

Dream looked startled, looking up and letting out a big breath he didn't realize he was holding "Jesusss-" he put a hand to his heart "You scared me"

George giggled and walked back as Dream climbed up to the roof "Why're you here?"

Dream stumbled onto the roof "Got bored"

"That excuse is getting old" George smiled

Dream shrugged "What other excuse am I suppose to use?"

"How about the truth?" George smiled and looked at Dream as he messed with his hair

"What truth?" Dream laughed softly

"Why do you want to see me so often?" George clarified

Dream shrugged again, honestly just trying to hide his nerves "Can we settle for the fact that I want to hang to with my friend?"

George rolled his eyes "There's more to it than that. I can tell"

"Oh, you can tell?" Dream smiled, putting his axe in the holder that rests on his back "How can you tell?"

"I think I know you well enough nowadays" George shrugged

"Oh really?" Dream smirked "What's my favorite color?"

"Green" George answered

"Favorite food?"


"Favorite professional American football team?"

"Uh- you watched college football, not professional" George answered smugly, crossing his arms "That was a trick question"

"My last pet's name?"


"My first pet's name?"

"Bandit" George smiled softly

Dream smiled a little at how many little things he remembered about him "What was my youngest sister's name?"

"Bella" George answered

Dream couldn't help but smile "Oh my god-"

"See? I told you" George said smugly "I know everything about you"

"Not everything" Dream corrected, messing up his hair again and going to sit at the edge of the roof. Dream dangled his feet off the roof, looking at the necklace around his neck. He studied how the chain ran in between the loop on top of the small bottle of sand that hung around his neck, until he noticed George sit down next to him, quickly putting the necklace back inside his shirt

"Well I know more about you than you know of me," George said and smiled over at him

"I don't think so.." Dream tilted his head, smiling at him to show he accepted the challenge

"Oh yeah?" George smirked, "How many siblings do I have?"

"One sister" Dream answered

"What was my cat's name?"

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