𝚝 𝚠 𝚎 𝚗 𝚝 𝚢 𝚎 𝚒 𝚐 𝚑 𝚝

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trigger warning // this chapter has a lot of random and general suicidal thoughts. as well as vomiting and hallucinations. i can't put trigger warnings for all of them. the ones i can i will put ❗️ with a note of what it is- i'm so sorry :( please read with caution! i love you all <3

George sat at his bedroom window, looking out at the world, a few tears down his face. His window was open so George was sitting on the window sill, with one foot outside and his head against the window frame

He was thinking. About everything. About how his life got to the point he was at. How he met the one person that ever actually loved him. How his face looked when he was focused or worried. How he relaxed when he was with George. How he would do anything to protect him.

How he was ready to be done with all of it.

George had been sitting here for a while. Watching as the birds chirped and the butterflies chased each other close to the grass. How clear the sky was and how quiet the world was.

George sniffled and wiped his nose with the back of his hand. He got up and looked around, standing up and hopping out his window to the ground easily. He started to walk. Not really having a destination, but letting his feet guide him.

He walked for a while at a slow pace, kicking some rocks as he walked. Taking deep breaths of the fresh air and smiling at the silence

He was ready. He was happy with his choice

George's feet took him to a familiar quiet lake. Stopping him at the edge of the dock and letting him look at the water. He looked up at the sun, seeing that it was midday

"They left already" George whispered to himself, sitting down on the edge and dangling his feet off. His feet were far away from the calm water as he started swinging them

He sat there in silence for a long time, taking in the scenery. He watched as the small waves collided with each other far away from the shore. He watched as the trees swayed in the breeze and what sound the leaves made as they hit each other

He watched as the waves right under his feet got closer to his shoes. How the dock's legs sank into the water, a ring of moss around where the water line was

"George" Dream's voice rang through his head

George shook his head, closing his eyes "Get out of my head" he whispered

"George" the voice was closer than before

George brought his hands to his ears. Then there was a hand on his shoulder "George"

George looked behind him quickly, looking up and seeing the voice's owner "D-Dream?"

"George. Get up" Dream said. He looked worried and sad; with only a hint of anger


"George. Come with me... please" Dream pleaded

"I told you not to look for me-" George started "You aren't supposed to be here- you missed your way out-"

Dream shook his head, grabbing George's hands "Come on"

"I don't want to," George said but didn't fight him

Dream pulled him up "I- George.." he said softly "I'm not leaving you to die, you know me better than that"

"Sapnap was supposed to give you the note once you all left-" George muttered, mostly to himself, barely paying attention to Dream

"I took it from him" Dream explained

"He wasn't-" George muttered, mumbling more words under his breath that Dream couldn't pick up

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