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After a few hours of looking at the stars Dream sat up "Ok it's time to get you back home" he said as he glanced at George who was lying next to him

"What time is it?"

"No idea" Dream shrugged and stood to his feet "Come on, I gotta get back before Bad wakes up"

George stood up, looking around again "I like this place"

"Yeah, it's quiet. Makes you forget that it's the end of the world" Dream smiled a little and started to walk back to the main roads.

They walk in silence, both trying not to attract any Walker's. Once they got back to a decently open area Dream spoke up "Sorry I took you on a random walk, it probably stressed you out. I know how the apocalypse has changed peoples trust, so sorry" he mumbled, swinging an axe in his hand

George looked up at him and smiled slightly, a little surprised by what he said "Don't be sorry"

"I can tell you don't trust people easily" Dream mentioned and looked up at the stars

"Do you?" George asked with a small laugh "I feel like it takes a lot for someone to trust people nowadays"

"Do you trust me?" Dream looked down at George, but quickly putting his attention back to the silent road that they were walking on

"Truth?" George asked

Dream nodded, glancing at the 5'8 brunette that was walking beside him 

"No" George answered, looking down at the ground as he kicked a rock "I don't know you very well. We just met- there's no way you trust me either" George laughed a little, putting a hand in his pocket to make sure his pocket knife was still with him; relaxing when he felt it in the same pocket he left it "Can you blame me?"

"No" Dream sighed. He looked straight ahead, glancing behind them when he thought he heard something but then looked back after he didn't see anything "We'll build on it"

George looked up at him, confused "What do you mean?"

"We'll build the trust. It doesn't have to happen immediately" Dream shrugged casually, not paying much attention to the conversation

"Well, why's it worth your time then?" George asked

"Something to do" he smiled and glanced at George "Plus, I need more reasons to get out of our house; maybe I'll bring Sapnap and Bad around one day too"

"Hmm.. okay" George mumbled "As long as you don't murder us in our sleep then we'll be on good terms"

Dream laughed and rolled his eyes, putting his hands up in defense "You really think so lowly of me George?"

"Just saying" George mumbled, smiling a little

After a while of walking, they eventually arrived at George's house

"Thank you," George said before walking past Dream to climb up the window "Tonight was fun"

"Anytime George" Dream smiled and watched him get up his window before heading back home.

. . .

"Dream" Sapnap whispered once he walked into Dream's room. He tip-toed to where the dirty blonde was sleeping "Dream-" he whispered and reached his hand out to shake his friend awake.

Before Sapnap had the chance, Dream's eyes shot open, quickly grabbing a switchblade from beside him and holding it to Sapnap's neck as a reflex- before Sapnap even had a chance to react

"Whoa whoa- hey- same team buddy. Relax." Sapnap put his hands up

"Sorry" Dream mumbled, returning to reality as the morning light seeped into his room. He dropped the knife and set it back down

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