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trigger warning // mature scenes <3 (SECOND❗️to skip)

George was laying on the couch, his eyes closed and his head buried in his arms "My head hurts-" he mumbled

"I wonder why" Tommy mumbled, bringing George another bottle of water "You were kidnapped plus hungover"

George smiled a little "So what happened exactly?" he asked

Tommy sighed "You really don't remember?"

"No" George laughed softly

"Somehow you got taken" Tommy started to explain, sitting on the couch across from him "We don't know how. But then Dream got a note and it said that Techno had you- so Dream went and saved you. Kinda got his ass kicked too though"

"Wait what?" George asked, taking his arms off his head and looking at Tommy

Tommy looked at him then shrugged "Yeah- Dream saved you"

"Where is he?" George asked

Tommy shrugged again "He went home"


"A while ago- you were still asleep. Quackity showed up then he left shortly after" Tommy answered

"Why didn't he stay...?" George asked slowly

Tommy looked at him for a while "Do you not remember the other night?"

George shook his head

Tommy stayed quiet

"What happened?" George asked

"You guys got in a fight- or, you got mad at him while he just took it" Tommy explained

George furrowed his eyebrows "So he left after he brought me back home?"

"Well I don't know if he left because of you, but yeah" Tommy shrugged, then heard Tuboo call him from upstairs "Call Wilbur if you need something," he said before getting up and going upstairs

George laid back, closing his eyes and trying to relax

Why would Dream leave me? Even if I got mad at him, he shouldn't have left... right?

But he saved you. If what Tommy said was true, he saved me. Don't get mad at him George

"George? You completely conscious again?" Quackity asked, walking up and standing over the couch

"Yeah" he mumbled

"Leave him alone," Karl said from the kitchen

"Am I the only one who's getting the idea that people are mad at you?" George smiled at him

Quackity rolled his eyes "Get some sleep. I'll talk to you about it later" he said and gave George a pat on the shoulder, before walking back to the kitchen

George smiled at him a little then closed his eyes, quickly falling back asleep

. . .

I was plopped outside a door. I looked around, not recognizing where I was. My hand reached up, knocking on the door

"Yeah?" A voice called from inside

I opened the door, seeing Dream with a guitar in his hands. He looked up at me and put the guitar down "Hey George. How'd you get in here?"

"Your mom let me in" I spoke, "She said you had a hard day so," I say with a smile, walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed. I look up at him, seeing a cut at the bottom of his eye "What happened?"

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