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trigger warning // suicidal thoughts ( go to the SECOND❗️when you get to it, i love you stay safe <33 )

About a few weeks after Quackity showed back up everything's been back to normal. Or- as normal as the apocalypse could be. Quackity went back and forth between Karl and Technoblade. Karl, Sapnap, and Quackity had all become super close in the past weeks- quickly forming a bond that nothing could break.

Everyone tried to get together more often, which created a lot of late-night drinking and dumb decisions that almost killed Tommy. One time Wilbur let Tommy drink some Tequila they had found, which led to Tommy wanting to climb on the roof to T-Pose. Not to mention it was really windy and Tommy was only 18. If Bad didn't ask to use the restroom he wouldn't have realized where Tommy was, and get him down before he slipped

Wilbur claimed Tommy deserved the hangover he had the next morning

Dream would continue to visit George's window at night, only getting to know each other better. Dream created a schedule; every other night he would show up at George's window, to either go on a walk or just talk

George opened his window "Two nights in a row?" he asked with a smile as Dream climbed up to his window "I don't think this night could get any worse" he joked

Dream rolled his eyes "Oh please. You love these late-night visits. Just admit it, George". He held his hand out when he felt a raindrop, smiling to himself and looking up at the dark sky before back over at George

George shook his head "I don't"

"George- c'mon. You don't have to lie" Dream smiled, staying outside

George just smiled, shaking his head again and looking at Dream

They stayed like that for a while. Dream outside the window as George leaned on his window sill. Dream finally broke out of his trance when he felt more raindrops "It's raining"

George smiled brighter "Wait really?"

"Yeah" Dream laughed softly "Is anyone watching tonight?"

George shook his head "No. Karl said he couldn't... for whatever reason, and Wilbur was drinking. I watched last night and we don't trust Tommy yet. Tubbo still hasn't even killed a Ghoulie, so he's off that list"

Dream listened and nodded once he was finished talking "Then c'mon" he said, holding out his hand "Don't you want to enjoy the rain?"

George hesitated before taking Dream's hand "Yeah. It never rains" George mumbled as Dream pulled him out of his room. He took a deep breath, taking in the scent of fresh soil and moisture in the air, smiling more when raindrops hit his face

Dream held George's hand as he led them both to the roof; walking to the roof of the porch where it was completely flat. He walked to the ledge, still holding George's hand to make sure he was following as he sat down. Dream dangled his feet off the edge while George sat crisscross "Wonder how the Ghoulies like the rain"

George shrugged, holding out his hand "Probably hate it. Tommy once threw a water bottle at one and it exploded. That was horrifying and a half"

Dream laughed a little at if he's being honest, Tommy's stupidity "He's a dumbass isn't he?"

"Yeah, you could say that" George laughed and rolled his eyes, smiling softly "He's just a kid though. Did you know that apparently he and Tubbo are only minutes apart?"

Dream looked at George confused "They're not related are they?"

George shook his head. "They've known each other basically since they were born. They have the same birthday" he answered "Apparently Tubbo was born at 10:18 and Tommy was born 10:21" he smiled

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