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As I walked into my first period I noticed a new mini, yet familiar afro in a use to be empty seat in front of me. I took a seat and seen he looked back to take a glance, I sucked my teeth "Khalil, what the hell you doing here?" He smirked and looked back at me with his bright and straight teeth. "I transferred , I got my mom to do so, i couldn't stand my old school." He told me , "how you get her to do that ?" I asked leaning back in my seat , taking out my binder for my math class as the warning bell rung. He sat up facing me more , "I told her what you told me about this school, plus I don't have to wear a uniform. I looked at his creeps, black jeans and vintage shirt. I was amazed , like a guy version of me. " you look amazing kid" I smirked.

     "You too as well , kid" he joshed. I'm currently wearing my black and white platforms with checker board across the top. Skinny ,black leather pants, and a half black and white crop top. "Well thank you , you don't seem like there creepers type, I really want some" I said to him. "What size do you wear ?" I told him my size for over seas because its best to get it from there. We continue in conversation until the final bell rung. Classes started and let me tell you I could not focus, my mind was running marathons after staying up studying and reading all night. Khalil would turn to say something and I would be half up "why didn't you go to sleep last night ?" He asked as a smile plastered across his face. "Studying and reading" I reconnected eye contact with his light brown eyes. I know I may look like a drunk trying to stay balanced. "Gimme your paper , get some sleep I'll copy the notes for you" he whispered, "no, you don't have to little Freck " I whispered back, my eyes were half way open as I seen his smirk rise.

     He took my paper and turned around only to ignore my request not to. I laid my head in my arms on my sandy brown desk, I felt my natural hair hit the back of his back and a hand massage my head. " Lil turd " I heard him say to me. All I could do was chuckle to myself.

    My deep sleep was interrupted by someone poking my sides and I jolted up in excitement, and looked for the person whom may caused it to happen, "damn you jumped up so fast" Khalil laughed at me. I glared at him and gathered my belongings , ignoring his chuckles "damn you pissed at me now?" I stood up , he still stood taller with my platforms and his creepers. "You got my heart racing , if I die from a damn heart attack Imma come back and haunt ya ass" I plastered a fake smile and he bursted into a great laughter. I shooked my head beginning to laugh only because his laugh is contagious. "You is a goofy mutha'flocker I told him" he smiled and shrugged his shoulders , fixing the straps from his book bag. "You like it though " he said as the bell rung into the air. I shook my head only for him to throw his arm around me and we walked out. He walked me to all me classes and told me somethings about every class on how , he would get stares and how the guys were cool, not like the people at his past school.

     He rode my bus , if anything with the school he's going to I would think he'll be driving . Today was smooth, I ain't hear from Kalia, nor Nene only to be at ease from any giving drama, my thoughts would always be running around. As we got off the bus , Khalil and I stood at the bus stop just to hold conversation. "Did you see the heat play last night ?" He asked as the bus drove off, I shook my head indicating that I didn't " naww, heat won though, huh?" I asked looking at my phone texting a few people back. "Yea, Bosh sorry ass was tripping at first so coach took him out , but they won 100-97 " I looked at him shocked. "Close ass game" I laughed continuing "what you finna do ?" "Finish my math homework and watch a movie I guess , what about you ?" He asked me as he licker his lips. I shrugged my shoulders "I did all my homework at the end of the period I think, I just gotta read some pages for a novel we reading in literature" he threw his arm around my shoulder " let's go watch a movie then " he protested. I looked at him a little unsure , " I got bacon , eggs, ranch and Cap'n Crunch, pregnant girl" he laughed after his last comment and took his arm off me .

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