Spring Break pt. one

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       Monday morning came like a breeze. We was on our way to Mrytle Beach for Spring Break, talk about peace and quiet.

      I pulled up to the hotel with Mecca, & Khalil. Getting situated , and I get a call from Nene saying she was here. She was telling me that she'll meet me downstairs in the restaurant once she got situated and I wanted the two to meet Nene.

     We been talking never stopped actually.  I told her what happened between Mecca & I . She gave me a piece of mind on it and told me I was wrong for what I did, but she wanted the same expect she actually have strong feelings for me. I have a small amount only because she's my bestfriend she knows a lot about me. We been through hell & back together, but its not what I feel for Nene.

       After we get settled , I looked in the full length mirror looking at my outfit in a black button up having my sleeves folded up with white lining , linen ,white khakis and black low cut loafers , diamonds in each hole of my ear: five on my right and four on my left. My twist/dreads are in a loose ponytail. "Where you going?" Mecca came to me wrapping her arms around my waist, I looked to the site and looked at her. "Going to see Nene right quick, watch out" I told her, she just rolled her eyes sitting on our bed watching me put on my cologne and gold chain around my neck underneath my freshly pressed collar. I walked to the bathroom for better lighting, noticing Mecca tight on my tail. "Mecca why you trailing me like a lost puppy?" She just licked her lips looking me up and down, "go do something constructive , look Khalil over there on his phone . Do that."

       She sucked her teeth wrapping her arms around me again as I looked in the mirror fixing my hair a bit "Jai, you look so good right now" I rolled my eyes not noticing her hand slip in my pocket andmrub against my clit, I jolted back looking at her angrily. "You know I never thought I had to say this , but we need boundaries you doing some crazy shit . Now, if I wanna go as I please I will, I'm older than you, I have my own mind. Hell I paid for most of this shit now go in the room and sit cha ass down" I pointed out towards the bathroom door. She looked at me in disbelief, "you letting that girl come between us Jai!" I walked out the bathroom, turning the light off.

      "No your attitude is messin' this up Mecca. I'll be back , please calm down. By the time I get back ion want nothing out of place don't go catching temper tantrums , come hea'" I tell her as she come closer, I gave her a bear hug and she wrapped her arms up cuffing up to my shoulders . I let good and and she sat on the bed, as I grabbed my key and phone, " imma see you in a bit Khalil , please watch her" he nodded his head.

      I walked out getting a text from Nene telling me her room number and floor, realizing she's on the same floor. I reply saying I'm coming , making my way out after getting bothered by Mecca. I knocked on her door.

    As she was  finishing up her hair she heard a knock at her door.She ran to open it nearly tripping over her suitcase ,but once she saw it was Jai on the other side she forget about all that.

      She smile and say "Hey Jai!" She stepped aside to let me get in and as the door closed I pulled her into a hug as we  just melt in each others embrace.

      I held her close smiling so hard I could feel my cheeks warming up. I stay in close to her for a while longer soon kissing the top of her head. "How you doing ma?" I pull back still holding her, looking into your beautiful eyes. "Im great now that your here.. Excuse my hair I'm almost finished.. Come with me and let's catch up" pulling me towards the bathroom where she was pertaining to her hair.

"I see your lookin' nice so tell me about your friends that came along"

      I chuckle and following along, leaning back on the wall staring at her from behind. Getting lost in the vision of her beauty and magic. "Huh?" I asked, licking my lips.

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