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I decided to take Nene on a date for her last night here with me for a while. Driving I looked to her and smiled. She would look at me and faintly smile, I grabbed her hand as I kissed the back of it "It won't be long before we living together ma."

We finally made it to this Italian restaurant and I got out making my way to help Nene out. Earlier in the day we went to a dress shop and I bought her a nice fitted blue and black dress. I decided to match with a black , button up shirt and and blue bow tie, along with black slacks and matching dress shoes. Nene thought she was reach my height with the heels she wore, I thought it was cute.

Smiling as I watch her walked, her caf muscles tightened and relaxed from every step she took a new step.
"Mm-mm baybeh you look so very beau-" She turned around cutting me off. I started to grow nervous as she begin to mess with her nails. "What's wrong?" I walked closer to her trying to grab her hands but she moved away, finally looking at me.
Night would be the only night I have with you until next time she comes back and I wanted it to be the best. "Sheineka talk to me." she sighed , " I um.. I can't do this." she begin to walk off back to the car lot making her way to the passenger side. I reached her and grabbed her hand , but yet again she pulled back more like a snatch.
I feel so hurt, does she hate me? Was all this a lie? Couldn't be, did I do any thing to make her grew anger?
"Sheineka what the fuck is your problem? Hea' I am tryna' be a good girlfriend to you , takin' you out and wanting to spend time because I feel so lucky to-" "I cheated.." I stopped in mid sentence as I heard a sniffle.
"Ha now ain't the time to play game baby just tell me what's wrong" I reached for her, and this time she looked at. "I just did.. I cheated" "with who Sheineka?" She sat there and decided whether she wanted to tell me or not.
"Sheineka?" "my bestfriend.."
I looked her as she kept her eyes on the car window. I chuckled and walked to the drivers side getting in and situated myself in the seat. She got in and followed my actions.
The whole ride was silence, no music or anything. I felt her eyes on me and she'll try to say my name, but I'll just keep on driving.
Finally making it to the house I got out opening the door for her slamming it. Walking in I noticed the silence, then I remembered my mom might be out with my auntie again tonight.
I walked in and went straight to my bathroom stripping out my clothes and running water for a hot shower.

Nene's View

I sat on her bed after closing and locking the front door. I know I fucked up, just happened. I honestly couldn't help it, my best friend and I got history. She was there for me on my lowest and I was there for her, it just felt so normal but at the same time I felt guilty as fuck I still do. I sighed getting up taking off my heels and dress, I mean I might as well.
Looking at the room door I noticed it was closed as well and locked. I decided to talk to her, what am I gonna say? Hell, I don't even know myself. I turned the handle to the bathroom and made my way into the steam, hot bathroom. The mirrors fogged and the steam rose.
"Jai can I come in ?" she didn't say a thing only the sound of water showering down . Sliding off my bra and bottoms I opened the shower door getting in while I slid the door back closed.
When I seen her I noticed she was hurt, her palms pushed upon the tile in front of her as the water rain down her hair and back. It looked so sexy, her body is truly beautiful.
"Jai , I know you're upset and I am so sorry. It's just you so far away and alright that's not much of an excuse.. Look I am truly sorry Jaiana." I said all while wrapping my arms around her body pressing the side of my face on her smooth back.
I wanted tp say more but I just couldn't get the right words to come out. We stood his like this for what seems like a few minutes then she unhooked my arms from around her walking out leaving me in the shower. Wiping off the fog from the steam off the shower door I saw her wrapping a big towel around always as the water dripped from her hair. I honestly feel terrible about what I did, but there's no way I can change it. I stood there looking like a ass, I sighed turning the water off then wrap a towel around my body.
Cutting everything off in the bathroom after I close the door, I followed her into her bedroom dry my hair. I notice she was walking in the closet and decided to get some clothes out . "where you going Jai?" I asked only to be ignored and smacked by silence. I just sat there watching her and she put on her black bra, black boy shorts, black joggers, and black hoodie. Looked as though she was about to get into something that she wasn't supposed to, but at the moment right now she won't listen to anything I say.
She just grabbed her tims sliding them on and left out with a goodbye.

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