Another Day

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I woke up to the sun on my face and an arm around me. I stood still not knowing what to do, I steered a bit and heard Khalil moan and hold me tighter. I felt his breathing on my neck and my ass on his lap. I'm still trying to keep my eyes open , that warm sun felt so soothing. I took a deep breath and he grabbed me more , I noticed his breathing changed which means he's waking up, I nudged him in the chest "mmmm?" He hummed into my ear, " look how you holding me " I whispered making sure my voice don't crack. He chuckled " Good morning Nicole " his thick raspy voice sung in my ears as his lips grazed my neck. " alright Khalil" I got up rubbing my eyes, I noticed him and his bare chest exposing her six pack. He sat up and smiled at me , I shook my head walking to the bathroom.

      I use the bathroom and washed my face brushing my teeth off with the face towel. I opened the door to Khalil " why were you by the door, and do you have a spare toothbrush?" I asked covering my mouth. He walked past me pulling out a draw full of unused objects such as; tooth brush, floss, and tooth paste. I grabbed a green one and begin to brush my teeth, he walked to he toilet and begin to piss " yo wait til I finish!" He laughed and continued, I blocked him putting my hand up. He finished and flushed , I finished up and he washed his hands and everything else you to proceed in your morning. He lean on the counter after wiping his mouth " what we doing today?" He asked tucking his hands in his pockets of his Pajama pants. " I'M going to work, you ..I don't know , wait.." I smiled , " go masterbate and let ya mom catch you.." I laughed and walked out. He followed and pulled me back " or.." He started, " or you can call Heaven and chill with her" I continued. His smiled dropped , seem anonyed I guess you can call it.

      I walked to the side I slept on and made he bed, then took off his sweat pants replacing them with my jeans, I looked back and saw him looking . I turned my back on him replacing my shirt and fixed myself up better, " not good to stare are you flabbergasted " I smirked putting on my boots . He looked at me with a serious expression and shook his head, I stood placing my jacket on grabbing my phone. " Look I got til four this afternoon, what do you wanna do?" That same goofy smile rose across his face as he tackled me to he bed, " wait yo chill to early for all that Khalil! " I yelled at him and fight him off. " man whatever , c'mon let's go make breakfast " " you ain't saying nothing , but a word" my stomach was screaming for a meal.

      After breakfast we were down in he living room watching a movie as he laid his head on my legs again. I was distracted from the movie when Ms.Elle came down in her leggings, ankle socks and tink top, I started singing a remix to 'Stacy's Mom'.

Khalil's mom has got it going on
Khalil's mom has got it going on

I smirked at my silliness and focused back on the movie. " what's so funny?" I looked down at Khalil staring at me. I shooked my head and said nothing, as Ms.Elle came next to us sitting on my arm rest, " damn could of said excuse me " I laughed , she smacked my arm "what y'all watching ?" She asked eating a piece of bacon. " John Carter, you like my cooking ?" She finished " I should of known you cooked this 'cause K.Jay can not cook for anything." He shot up wondering why she said that " ma I can cook , why you lying on me like that? " she giggled and trying to sit in the middle of us but ends up on my lap. I really don't see how that mess was possible, " umm.," I said trying not to make it awkward or blow up. "My bad sweetie" he said sitting on the sofa , I just nodded an kept my eyes on the screen. I felt my phone vibrate so I checked it .

Mama Elle: I'm sorry , my ass has a mind of its own

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