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Its been a week since I talked to Nene , some love fest I thought would continue. I hate that I fall so easily , and to regain it seems like I'm on a late night train in the earlier time, taking time to build up to get to my destination .

All I ask for is love, is it so hard.

When I'm there for you can you hold me down and rest me , protect me from doing something I shouldn't be.

Hopes , I laugh at the word , to say I'm the optimist here, well I feel like I'm giving up.

Just hanging ...hanging from the cliff , like I'm the cliffhanger.

As I lay here and listen to Norah Jones , sing to my heart , my mind ,body and soul .

I begin to think, think of one simple thought that have crossed my mind again and again.

Am I asexual ?

Yes, I want love and affection , but when I want to get close with someone it never works.

Or maybe when I grow feeling they show me to late who they really are.

Better late then never , I guess would be the correct phrase to say .

Layin here trying to write a poem, of some sort , but getting no where.

I thought I knew the other side of you
Though your smiles and laughs hid it good
You disguised the day as a scary maze
My heart is once again spread
Open up now it's faded
I love, I love, I love ,
Only if I wasn't lovelorn
Come away with me
Night will shine, and I'll b alright
I don't know what's got me feeling used and abandoned ...

I stopped and threw my notebook to the side , feeling myself get frustrated and stupid .

I stood up , placing a hoodie on and walking out my room, making not out the door into the zeyphered wind.

Why must everything flip on me , I have to much feelings for one person to hold.

I thought to myself as I walked past the gas station , into waffle House still listening to my Norah Jones, whom voice is so lovely.

I sat in my same booth, staring at the one up ahead, without the presence of the girl I met before. I slide my headphones off my ears, placing my order as the usual. When I thought the woman was gone I begin to put my headset back on until I heard someone talking so close.

"You OK cutie ?" , I looked at her name tag which read 'Shayla' , I nodded my head , but I guess she wasn't taking that . She went to tell my order , placing her freshly pedicure hands on mines , saying "hold on sweety."

When she made it back she looked at me , pulling at my beanie, I moved back and leaned against the seat, resting am arm on the back.

I took a look at her full mixed lips, toasted caramel skin, Bambi ,brown eyes, brown hair with blonde highlights in a bun, she had a nice size on her , and a pointed nose, and a nose ring , which I fine attractive on her.

" what's wrong ?" She said oh so sweetly , and smooth , like jazz blooming out of the saxophone . I tilt my head to the side , plastering a smirk on my face , "what makes you think something wrong, why won't things be right?" I challenged .

She scoffed and stood up " I'm just tryna be nice damn " she said , turning on her heels, I watched her every move from until I seen her juicy ass walk behind the counter .

I smirked at the fit she had and focused on my surroundings and it was once again a slow night , it can get crowded but that's every so often. I folded my arms , placing them on the table as I check out Shayla again, this time she caught me and blushed when we made eye contact . Very cute , I chuckled to myself.

After a few mintues of waiting , Shayla cam back with my all-star and fountain sprite. I said my grace and begin to eat, until she sat in front of me. I put my bacon down and looked at her trying to see what could she want.

"May I asked , without sounding rude, is to why are you near me , Shayla ?" I leaned back resting my arm again. She licked her lips and leaned forward . "do you like what cha see?" She said a little above a whisper , I look down to her breast , licking my lip ,focusing on her face. "I like women, not easies " I spoke to her, drinking my sprite never breaking contact, as she gasped pushed me back. I laughed at the gentle push she gave me which only made her get upset . "im not easy" only then when she said those a words I noticed her dimples in the left and right cheek. "Prove it " all I said while eating a piece of bacon, "how?" She said , looking at my lips then my eyes. I could tell she wanted to jump on me " look , not trying to be rude , but I'm tired of getting played nd heartened so, if you tryna fuck with me , it will be just that fuckin'" I told her , eating up the rest of my food.

"I can change that " she challenged , with a sexy smirk I might say , which caused me to smirk. I wiped my mouth as she grabbed my hand and wrote her number on it , winking before she got up. I watched again.

Ya body's callin' for me

I sung in my head and smirked to my silliness .

I stood up paying for my meal , leaving out into the wind and breeze , listening to Erykah Badu. I made it back inside and hopped into the shower, making sure it steamed, my hair will be fluffed after this , I looked at my hand noticing the number still there after I washed off. I got out putting my sports bra and boxer briefs on , lotioning up.

Me: Hey , you wouldn't happen to know anyone with a fat ass like yours ?

I laughed and placed my phone down , putting on my shirt and joggers.

??: who is this?

I didn't reply , she should know, she just give me her number but then again oh well she'll find out sooner or later. As I turned the lights off , said my prayers getting comfortable in my kind size bed, I recieved a text.

Nene: hey, sorry I didn't get back with you, I'm back home in Ohio .

I pushed my eyebrows together in confusion .

She live in Ohio? What the hell she was doing here?!

I just sent a simple 'OK' and closed my eyes. I don't have time for this.

Is this love (Lesbian Story) OneWhere stories live. Discover now