Where my heart stand ?

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Not only have I been ignoring everyone but also just literally went to school and got home. Home to work and eat. No television , barely on my phone and on top of that no music.


I needed it , I need to focus on myself and being around a mad boy , horny milf, irritating females and guys at school wasn't a plus plus in my status. Two weeks until Spring break and I can not wait. Not only have I booked a hotel room at Mrytle Beach for three day I'm also tagging Mecca along, we go through shit but she still my bestfriend. I'm gonna ask if Khalil wanna go even though he may be piss at me I'm not gonna let the past him having a good time, and not sitting at home alone.

I sat outside on the trunk of the car listening to music, enjoying warm sun on my skin. I been texting Janae and Nene lately, not so much with Kalia. I pulled out my phone because I received a text message from someone. As I begin to unlock my screen I noticed my right hand was shaking uncontrollably. I was lost in twilight zone to even try to stop. It just kept on jumping and shaking, shaking and jumping. I been to grow nervous shaking my hand , maybe its just a nerve I thought to my self. As I looked down to unlock my phone again I saw, blood.

The shape of a circle, another one dropped. My nose , I touched and got up from the car feeling dizzy.

What the crap is happening?

I thought to myself as I stood there watching the blood drip on the ground, after regaining little strength I had , I pinched my nose with my index finger and my thumb. I walk into my house as my eyes tried to close. The dizziness came harder, as I made it to my bathroom watching the blood drip in the sink. I begin to grow weak and my eyes closed soon blacking out. I hit the ground with a bang.

I woke up up to bright lights only to close them back again. "She's up" I faintly heard someone say. I squinted my eyes and only to feel an itch so I rubbed them with my hands and felt my nose a bit clogged up. I looked out to see my mom, Mecca, Khalil , his mom, Kalia and Janae along with Jalissa sitting on the bed. "Curly wake up" she whispered. I smiled and sat up hugging her, "hey mama, how you get here?" I asked her as I kissed her cheek. "Mommy , are you OK curly?" She whispered to me , I can hear sadness in her voice almost as if she has been crying. I hugged her tightly as my eyes closed to embrace her warmth, a smile plastered on my face. " does that answer ya question?" She nodded with her little smile on her face.

"I see you have woken up, how are you feeling?" The doctor said to me. He stood tall and muscular, Caucasian with brown hair and blue eyes. I find that shit exotic , I looked down at his name tag. It read, 'Dr. Reed'.

" I'm fine" I shrugged not feeling to bad , I really shouldn't be here. I'm not a big fan of the hospital. "I have already spoken to your mother. You have a sinus infection, but there are some antibiotics that can definitely cure it. Nothing to serious for your body." I nodded my head indicating that I understood. "Now, the reason you passed out, was because you were dehydrated from lack of fluids and iron." I shook my head , sniffing a bit.

I was done with this place always something going on with my body. I swear its so sensitive, been like this all my life. Luckily I didn't have the chicken pocks, but because of my allergies I was allergic to grass and broke out badly from that most of my life up until 11 years old. I soon noticed I was allergic to Tide bleach, clothing detergent, after hurricane Katrina that's all we could use to wash the clothes we had. That caused my neck and lips to swell, I was embarrassed because it happened at school in my elementary literature class. I unfolded my green uniform shirt and hide my neck , and tucked in my lips.

Even before that I use to walk in from school with thinking I was gonna relax , but have a nose bleed. I then grew to liking nose bleeds because I had them so much, I just leaned over the sink and watch it drip.

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