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The time couldn't go by any slower.I been at work since eight this morning and its just turning three which means I'm off the clock. The next person that's suppose to close me out is running a little late. "Hello, welcome to Big Lots " I greeted the customers walking in, I would say this job not so bad. Got a couple of customers who can get a good ass spanking, hell even a woman with terix. And she kept yelling 'Never Never Never', that mess scared my bones out my damn skin.
I noticed Claire, my Liberian co-worker finally making it here. "Sorry I'm late, I'll be right back here. Just let me change." I nodded my head waiting for her to leave. As she did, a customer begin to approach me, "hi, how you doing?" I asked with a smile. "Good." The thick lady said, I begin to do my regular check out, but couldn't help but feel eyes on me. As I gave the lady her total, I took a quick glimpse at the person staring at me in a over sized white tee. I slowed down looking at her again.
I sat the bag in the counter, as my mouth opened slowly she just stared. Her hair sat in a fluffy pull back, and her baby bangs sat on her edges. "Yo" I whispered. "I was thinkin' the exact same thing" she told me.

Later in the day I sat home from work. It's been a week since the mishap , Nene and I are still strong. I can say I miss her though. Eating on some pizza with Mecca, and Khalil I stared at the wall in disbelief. "You sure you wasn't seeing things? " Khalil questioned, "'cause ya know how ya eyes be playin' illusions." I narrowed my eyes at him, rising the corner of my left side lips. "I'm not nigga" I shot back.
"How could you be so sure Jai?" Mecca asked taking a bite into her pizza. "The way she acted, her voice, hell just lookin' at her." This shit was mind blowing, I looked at my phone hoping she'll call or text me. After I checked them out, the lady went ahead to the car as the girl stayed so I gave her my number after we had a brief talk then I watched her leave right out the automatic doors.
"She's gonna hit you up, stop worrying " Mecca told me rubbing my thigh, I looked down at her hand. "You just got crumbs on my joggers" I dusted my joggers and seen my phone lit up.
I grabbed it without looking, " yo?" I waited, "yo? Don't yo me Jai, what you doing?" It was Nene. I sighed and looked at the two shaking my head indicating it wasn't her. "My bad thought you was someone else, I gotta talk to you 'bout something crazy ma but lata. How you doing?" I asked her, "Oh mm-Kay , I'm good. Just getting off of work not to long ago. Sitting here online shopping. What about you?"
"Sitting hea' having pizza with the two." "Oh tell 'em I said hey." I smiled telling Khalil and Mecca as they replied. Once I got off the phone tried to put my mind on something else, as I reached for my charger off the ground I noticed a piece of paper.
Once I picked it up off the tan carpet rug, I noticed it was the doctor's number I got a week ago. I scoffed and sat up looking at it. I never even tried calling her ass. She was definitely to easy and I don't do easy women, hint Nene. Actually after the I told her what had happened between her, I and what Jonae call herself being slick on.
Nene already knew she just wanted me to confront her about it. I know it was right to do , and wrong for to stir up. I treated her out and spent as much time with her never leaving her side before she went back because I know I'll miss her. Shit I do now .

"What's that?" Khalil asked. "Ain't Shit." I ripped getting up going to the trashcan in the kitchen to throw it away. "You know Nene told me what happened.Of course she not happy, and I know you better than that Jai. What made you do that especially with her there?" I sighed and looked at her.
We sat like this for a few seconds before she spoke again. "Jai, talk" I just stared at her, you would of thought I didn't care be the way I was looking at her but that wasn't the cause. That's just my face. "Look, I'm human I make mistakes. I'm admitting my wrong I did admit my wrong. I'm not gonna sit hea' and ponder on the past especially not the negative. I apologized , okay. If it helps I didn't even call the lady, I just threw her number away 'cause I just found it since that day. Get off my back, I ain't do Shit with her. I stopped before it got worse, I dropped all the females I tried to have a relationship with for Sheineka and I'm keeping it that way."

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