Ponder on your pillow

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Word is that Nene going to be here for the weekend and leaving Monday morning. Instead of staying in a hotel, I insist she stayed at my place. Now she can meet my moms. I had already let my mom know that Nene was going to be here and she actually wanted to meet her.We were making our way to the house, Nene drove in her rental and Mecca rode with her. What could they possible be talking about. My mind went on and on about that. I was so focus on it I didn't even notice Khalil was calling my name.
"Nicole. I said I know you happy huh?" I blinked, "uh Yea, Yea I am duh"

I continued making my way home, luckily my momz went grocery shopping as Sam's Club the other day I kinda feel like Khalil and Mecca would call themselves tryna slide through for a night.
Pulling up in the drive way I proceed to the door after locking the doors to the car. I noticed my momz car outside. I made it in and smelled her cooking, I jogged in the kitchen and hugged her, "wazzam mommy, what we having ?" "Jamabalya,Tilapia, and Mac n' Cheese. None of that crafts." I did a little two step dance and heard the door close. "How was ya day ma?" I looked at her red complexion, I always wanted my momz skin tone growing up but I'm fine with mine now. "It was alright glad it's ova, how was your day, is your girlfriend hea'?" I leaned on part of a counter as I seen them coming "it was good, but Yea she right there."
Soon as my mom turned they both plastered a smile and embraced each other with a hug. "Sheineka, my mommy. " they let go, then Khalil and Mecca came bombarding the two, "momma I don't get no hug?" Khalil told her, "Khalil hush, come hea'" They hugged and laughed a bit at his childish actions, I looked over at Nene fiddling with her nails leaning against the fridge.
Walking over I grabbed her hand leading the way to my room. Once we got in I closed the door and sat on the bed sitting her on my lap. "You doin' alright baybeh?" I asked moving her hair out her face. "Yea, I'm fine. You look just like yo mom." I chuckled and kissed her lips, resting my hands on her hips for only to have them slide up her shirt.
A moan slipped out once I felt her soft, smooth touch on my ABS. Picking her up I stood laying her on my bed as I fell in between her legs grinding closer. Continuing to kiss her I slid my right hand down her leg and lift up looking into her eyes smiling. I kissing her one more time but only to be there for a bit. Once we finally released I stared at her. "Your so gawgus baybeh." She bit her bottom lip then giggled, "and your beautiful babe"

After eating we all hung in the my room watching a movie. We finally settled on all the lights off, because Nene isn't a big fan of total darkness especially with this horror movie. The whole time I was off and on of watching the movie it wasn't the fact that I wondered why she wasn't talking to me it was the fact that she's here and met my momz today.

I held her tightly watching her face crinch at the scenes on the screen and laughed to myself. I've seen this movie so much I could tell you what was next. She laid between my legs while I continue to rub her stomach even when she held my hand to do the same or just to squeeze it if the sound effects bothered her, causing her heart rate to pick up.
Anytime she was so into the movie I felt like it was the perfect time to steal a kiss anywhere on her pretty face or head. "You got a big head" I whispered in her ear trying not to interrupt the others from the movie. "Mm surely did graduate at seventeen " I chuckled kissing her cheek repeatedly receiving giggles in return. Do I love to hear her laugh? Saying hell yea is an understatement.
Not only was she a joy to me but love as well. See happiness comes in different sizes, shapes, and genders. I prefer her, no longer two way street I would say. If anything was to happen to us, rather we fell off because it just wasn't mean't to be or if we argued so much to the point it steered us away. I would always have a place for her on the top of my heart and on the center of my mind. She has impacted my life to the point where I can say I'm happy I got a chance to spent the time I have with her. That's why I cherish her, and apologize so much because you never know what can happen. You may think your right in your eyes about something, but in your lover's eyes they see differently maybe wrong to them in their perspective or they may just see it at a greater level. All I'm saying is never take her for granted. And by her I mean the one you cherish.

Drifting off into sleep I felt so relaxed. Not only was my body was stress free my mind was too.


I was sitting in my room when I heard someone at the door, I got up and her my name to be called upon. Once I turned the corner of my room seeing my niece run towards me. Her legs we're just kicking in her American flag one piece on. Her two braided pigtails swung in the speed of her legs as the sun grazed upon her smooth high yellow skin.
I squared down picking her up, with the biggest smile on my face. I cheeses so hard it felt as though my dimples in my chocolate skin grew deeper. "I miss you Jaiana" I smiled notifying me she has that same gap like her auntie. Everyone thinks she's my daughter or if I would post her on media alone they would think it was me years ago. I love this little girl more than my sister. I don't do it just for the hell it just to help my sister out, but because I truly care about her from the first time I saw her.
The night she came home she laid eyes on my brother and I it was as though she was playing peek-a-boo. Her little tiny head rested tuck on my mom's shoulder as she walked down the hallway of our town house in Union City, Georgia. She looked up, with those big brown eyes and quickly closed them pushing her head down. Though it may have been a dim hallway my brother and I still saw.
Her pretty brown eyes.
I chuckled thinking of it. I felt a few tears trickle down my face."I miss you too Jaelyn." "Noo, don't cry Jaiana. Don't cry." She told me wiping my tears the best way she could with her tiny hands. "When you comin' to see me? " I looked over and saw my sister talking with my mom. I saw down in the hall as the sun hugged up from the window on the side of us. "Soon ma" she looked at me with a sadden look. "You said that last time." "I know baby, but you just gotta wait. And when I come we can do whateva' you want OK?" She put her hands on my cheeks looking into my eyes. "OK, I love you Jaiana." I couldn't help but cry like a big baby.
"Don't cry OK..don't cry. I don't like it when you cry." I nodded my head, hugging her as her arms tightly wrapped around my neck, I shut my eyes enjoying her embrace."Don't cry." She keeps saying. Suddenly she was being pulled from me. I looked up at my sister in pure rage. "Don't touch me !" Jaelyn yelled. I chased after her but every time I took a step they got farther and farther. My vision begin to blur as I her her voice on repeat, "don't cry, don't cry, don't cry!" I ran and ran feeling my body grow heavy, as I dragged and slugger my way. My tears we're now glass and I felt a push on my back. "Ayyyy!"

I shot my eyes open, as my heart picked up speed. I was feeling so cold tripping out the bed. "Jai" I heard a faint call at my name. My chest felt like it was closing. My head was spinning, and my lip, throat and palms we're dry. Before tried to grip the door handle but it felt like I was hallucinating because everytime I went to it would laugh and slide somewhere else on the door. "Jai", "Jai" was all I heard, but couldn't get the feel the energy to turn and answer "stop.." I faintly said.
I felt my eyes roll to the back of my head as I blacked out. "Oh my gosh!" Was the last thing I heard before I sighed and closed my eye lids.

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