Better Dreams

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"Damn Nicole yo ass was out" Khalil spoke over me as Nene, Mecca and my momz with smiles on their faces, seem kind of creepy.
"For how long? " I questioned as I stretched yawning. "For about six months, you fell into a coma from the car accident " I narrowed my eyes to him, "what car accident, Ion remember no car accident?"
"Oh God she lost her memory " I watched as she put her hand on her mouth, "gul shut cho ol' dramatic ass up I ain't loose nothin' "
They just looked at me, like I was laying here peacefully. Am I just a status and this is 'In remembrance of Jaiana' 'cause I ain't feeling it. I sucked my teeth and decided to get off the floor? Looking around indeed I was in my room, "what the hell, y'all brought me home after a accident then laid me around for six months?" I chuckled and grabbed the handle of my door.
Same door knob from when I passed out. I turned to look at them, but they stayed in the same position. Looking down at my body. "Fuck..yo I'm right here!" I pushed Khalil but he rocked and stayed the same.
Am I dead?

"These niggas." I walked out the door and seen I was in a hospital. "Oh good you're up. You can go home now." A dude in a white jacket came up to me I guess he was my doctor. "I know..I can. I'm fine. They the ones that need help." I told him pointing to the door I just came from. His face read confused, "what are you saying? There no one in your room." "Doc , what are you sayin' I just got from outta there. My people in there." The door opened and it was an empty hospital room. I shook my head s I de to side and end up in the middle of the street, where I sat and listened to the silence.My lifeless body appeared next to me, I rolled lying down in the same way.

Bright lights blinded me the sound of beeping. I heard murmuring noticing the same people here; Jalissa on my bed, Janae, Khalil, Kalil, Mecca, and my beautiful girlfriend Nene whom sat next to me.
She was crying and her legs shook. "Baby stop please." She shot up out her seat looking at me, I reached up wiping her tears, and smiled faintly. "Don't scare me like that babe." I nodded my head.
"Jai!" Jalissa came and laid on me as I held her. Khalil wiped his face shaking his head. My eyes narrowed towards a timid Janae. "What.." I swallowed, trying to help my throat. "What chu doin' hea'?" She looked at me with sadden eyes. "Just wanted to see if you were okay." "I think mommy miss you curly" I smirked kissing Jalissa's head.
"Jalissa ya momz is happy. Wanna meet my girlfriend?" I asked, Janae scrunched up her face then soften when the conversation prior made since with Nene and I. Jalissa sat up gasping "you have a girlfriend Curly?" I chuckled a bit, "Yea that's her. Nene." I introduced the best way I could, pointing at her. She waved at Nene as Nene did the same.
It gotten quiet and pretty awkward but I avoided it by closing my eyes. "So, she's playing opossum ?" I smirked looking at the beautiful doctor before me. Her green and hazel eyes shined on me like a light. Her light caramel complexion fitted perfectly with those high and strong cheek bones, she must got some west Indian in her. Her oval like head sat with a full white smile on her slim neck.

"Naw, just trying to relax Docta'.." I trailed as she moves her clipboard. "..Docta' Walton. What's your first name? " I tried to sit up a bit. She giggled, " Demicia, but I prefer Doctor Walton. Now, you seem to have a Delirium seems as though the building of your stress is the cause." I felt Nene head turn towards me but I kept my focus on the doctor.
"Going deeper into it I noticed Spectic Shock was what it came down to." I sat up more, "um what is this?"I questioned. To me it sound like I'mma be under some caution tape if it happen again. "Its a complication on an infections in which toxins can initiate a full body inflammatory or organ failure.. " she looked at me but then her gaze went towards Nene. "Who's this beautiful woman?" I sat there quite for the moment. "My uh my girlfriend, so I mean.." she cut me off reaching her hand out I looked down at my fingers am I gonna trouble and die? They shook hands, but Nene was just as confused. Mecca had tears in her eyes, while Khalil was fighting it. Kalia sat on a chair as her legs tapped towards the ground also as if she was on a typewriter with her heels.
"Look, your girlfriend would take great care of you. This isn't something that's gonna make you scribble up and pass from. You will be fine, just need to relax more these days sweetheart. I'm gonna write up you subscription for your medication. All these people in here, you have great love." I smiled looking at her, "thank you. . You do know it's basically females hea', well besides Khalil." I chuckled as well as he did. "Well us women got to stick together na don't we?" I nodded my head with a smile.
She smiled writing on the clipboard leaving out. My mom talked briefly to me and left for work. As I laid there Nene decided to lay on my left side of me, "you tired babe?" I asked her brushing the pieces of hair out her face. Her skin then glowed from the little light in the room. "Yea, but I wanna make sure you're okay." I smiled to myself kissing her forehead. "I'm fine, go ahead and get rest."
I watched as her eye lids shut and her breathing steadied. By this time I noticed it was 7:30 and only consist of ; Khalil, Mecca, Jonae, and Kalia. Doctor Walton came back telling me I could check out tomorrow morning, that they wanted to keep a eye on me.

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