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     I'm ready for this week to be over, I been having the same routine, wake up, school, homework and work. I need a thrill in my life, I'm so boring to myself. My mom and I barely talk. I need a damn dog or something . I was on my way to Janae's with Khalil and Mecca, I couldn't be more annoyed ask me why Mecca scared to be alone now? I'm not finna take her out every damn situation she put herself in. This is another reason why I think before action. I may over think sometimes, but that's me it'll clear later. I heard my phone vibrate in the cup holder and seeing that Janae replied back to our conversation.

Janae : I don't mind her coming, but if something go down just know. Imma handle it.

It's cute when she act hard and bulky knowing she so gentle. Finally after a good ride , I parked my car and we walked to her door, after I locked the car. She opened the door in running shorts, and a spaghetti strap showing off her curves. Today me and Janae are gonna talk about our relationship because of Jalissa. A kid just sees her mom happy, and thinking they friends. I want to let Jalissa know that I like her mom, and Janae agree.

I saw Heaven on the sofa with Jalissa , Heaven had a similar outfit as Janae. "Jai!" I heard Jalissa yell as we got inside, I picked her up " uhh, you getting heavy mija " I told her. " Jai , I'm almost 6" I nodded my head "I know , April 2nd" she got lucky because if she was born on April 1st she wouldn't be so active.

      I walked to the back after speaking to Heaven and introducing Mecca to the two. We sat on Janae's bed as I closed the door. " Mommy am I in trouble? " Jalissa asked in her innocent voice, I laughed only because it was cute. Janae shook her head " we gotta talk to you Jalissa, OK..This is going to be hard." I said to Janae. I really didn't know how to put this looking at her puppy light brown eyes, "Jalissa , your mom and I like each other" I spoke up , she gasped " you going to be mommy boyfriend ?" She giggled . I turned to Janae in disbelief, " ha she think I'm a dude, I know I don't look that rough come on an" Janae looked like she wanted to laugh, " no you just a tomboy with small feminine features Jai, you know ya curve are small, look at you" I nodded my head turning back to Jalissa " babe I'm not a boy, I'm a girl" Jalissa begin to look confused and laughed coming to me as she pushed my chest. I looked at Janae and then back at Jalissa as she gasped " Curly ! You got boobies " I didn't know what to do at the moment, did she just touch my breast an called them boobies? I smirked and looked at Jalissa, " Jalissa, some may think that liking a someone that has the same body parts as you is wrong. Never listening to what people say about it, love is love no matter who your with. Caring,  hugs and kisses is all good when you like someone and they like you too." Jalissa nodded her head hugging me. " I love you curly, you make mommy happy, and me too" she giggled with her cheek on mines, as I hugged back sitting her on my lap. " I love you too baby girl, no matter anybody say I got you OK?" She smiled and kissed my cheek. " Alright Jalissa don't go stealing her from me " Janae spoke up to her as Jalissa pushed her as good as she could I thought it was cute. " Janae I'm hungry, wanna go whip up something? " She gave me a looked that read 'no- you- didn't' I smirked standing up opening the door with Jalissa in my arms. "Chop chop!" I said to her and laughed , " chop chop mommy" Jalissa backed me up, causing me to laugh harder.

        I was hungry as a mountain lions preying on a mountain goat. I walked into the living room feeling relieved about explaining the whole girl on girl thing with Jalissa I wanna say more, but I just don't know how to. I sat on the lover seat with Jalissa seeing Janae go to the kitchen and start on the food. "What y'all was up in here doing?" I asked looking at Mecca next to me , while Khalil and Heaven was pretty close on the sofa. Mecca looked up from her phone and shrugged her shoulders, I gave hr a questionable look and copied hr shrugged " what is that , that's not an answer?" I told her feeling Jalissa lay back on me closing her eyes. " we wasn't doing anything, but watching TV " Khalil spoke up, I looked at him " thank you , but I was talking to her " I pointed towards Mecca.

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