Moment in time

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It's been some days since I talked to Nene, barely even Kalia. Been trying to focus on myself , but yet I do miss Nene a good amount . I check my messages and she still ain't read it, apparently she didn't pay her phone bills .

I'm starting to feel like this ain't what I want, from Kalia to Nene to any other girl I flirted with, hell even Janae from the buffet . She cool though , I feel like she a freak buddy or something.

I looked at my appearance in a dark red button down and black bow tie, black skinneys and my black Timberland boots. I sprayed on my masculine smell goods , grabbing my belongings as I turn the lights out . Leaving out the door, I locked it , unlocking the car door sitting in the drivers side placing on my seatbelt.

I pulled out the lot , semi blasting my reggae music , as I bob my head to the beat I begin to move my hips to the rhythm. I pulled up to Red Lobster and parked, checking my natural coils on the top of my head and got out . I locked the car and pushed my Malcolm X vibe glasses up more and proceeded to the resturaunt . As I made it in I see it was slightly packed "table for two , Gomez" she lead me towards the table and I sat down in the back booth in the right side of the restaurant in the corner. I was dimly lite which I liked "you look beautiful " I said to Janae as I leaned over looking at her mid-thigh dark red, metallic like dress and black pumps. Her brown hair laid on her shoulders . "thank you, you look so good, and I like the scent, who you trying to impress?" She giggled out , I grabbed her hand kissing her knuckles " I should be asking you that ma" I smirked still holding her soft and smooth hands.

We looked at each other for a bit and I soon felt her foot rub against my inner legs. She slowly was trying to turn me on , which isn't easy, I mean if you look good and can make me feel good without a touch then you may have me. "I'm glad you was free for tonight" I nodded my head leaning back "me too , I need a vent if that's cool with you ?" I asked her she nodded, she got the picture that I didn't want to talk about it at the moment. The waiter came up to us, a Caucasian girl with red, curly hair; well most people say it orange. Her blue eyes stuck out and flushed with the red eyelashes "wow, you are so pretty, not trying to seem random or anything " I said to her , she blushed thanking me I took a glance at Jonae and she had a stern look on her face . If she was a cartoon you could see the steam coming from the top of her head . I grabbed her hand "love I'm just being nice" I said to Janae , "ma'ma we would like two sprites , and I'll have the Bourbon plate" I looked at Janae "I'll take the seafood shrimp and lobster plate" she said so innocently I smiled at her as the waiter left to place our order. She looked at me and then looked away, I watched as she blushed and looked down . I lift her head up making my way closer to her, she was placed in a round booth , which is much better. "You so beautiful baby girl, you know that ?" She nodded her head , I like a confident woman. I kissed her lips softly and pulled away looking in her eyes, "how's my little rugrat? " I asked her while rubbing her thigh to her knee, " she's fine, she at her dad's house making forts and clubhouses with her little brother "

Janae has a little girl name Jalissa , she's about three years old and act so polite and mature. She love playing hide and seek with me when I come over her place. The little brother she has is her half-brother , her baby's daddy got caught and gotten a girl he was messing with on the side pregnant that's what caused Janae to be single. Always a good out of every bad situation, 'cause I would of never been this close with her, and I appreciate her .

"Thanks cute, I'm a have to come by and check on her"

As she said that our drinks came , and we immediately placed our straw in taking a sip. "You should because all she keep asking every night is 'when is curly Jai coming back mommy' she did her impression on Jalissa.

    After a while our food came we begin to talk about deeper subject such as; our feelings , our thoughts and even our past life. " and then I had jumped out the window and sprung my ankle, I limped to my bestfriend house like that, in the dark and it was raining." She teared up a bit, I wrapped my arm around her and kiss her forehead. She was telling me about the time she first experienced the feeling of a girl. Her parents were arguing , time after time. This time it got to the point where they were throwing glass, punches and even furniture , " I get where you coming from ma, my people argued to expect mines wasn't married , my dad abused us from me , my brother, my moms hell even my sister and they not even related my sister have a different dad. Sadly he was killed a few years back at his job. "

       As I said that my buzzed again. All day it was from Kalia , ol girl from Waffle house , other females , even my bestfriend . I looked at my phone to see Nene name across the screen , I smiled to myself. "Hold on ma I have to answer this I'll be rite back " I kissed her cheek and left to the restroom. "Yo, what's up?" I answered looking in the mirror twirling a coil around my index finger, and it wasn't long before I heard that sweet, smooth, soft voice " hey, its been a minute" I nodded my head as if she could see me. " yea, but what's up though ma?" I asked , trying not to sound impatient because I'm not I actually love to hear her talk and laugh. "I just called to talk, are you busy?" She questioned , "yea, actually I am, I'm at a dinner" I felt bad that I couldn't talk to her , " but I'll call you back OK?" I told her , she agreed as we said our goodbyes. I looked in the mirror one more time before leaving.  I made it back to a clean table and a bill, as I looked at the price I paid it and grabbed Janae's hand " c'mon let's go chill out" I smiled at her , we left walking hand in hand .

      As we made it outside I wrapped my arms her because he temperature had dropped "you got the place to ya self huh?" I asked looking down at her , she looked up at me nodding her head " you coming over?" I nodded my head. "I'll meet you there OK?" I said as I winked at her, she gave me a seductive smile and swayed her hips to her car, I watched biting my bottom lip. I made it into the car , warming the car up , and snapping my seatbelt in . Finally put on my Smooth vibe playlist that consist of :Erykah Badu, Common, Mos Def, Lauryn Hill and the list goes on . I played a song from my cousin Roy Hargrove album; RH Factor, called Poetry with Q-Tip and Erykah Badu, I must say it's a favorite .

     After a while of driving I finally eased into the drive way of Janae's. I knocked on the door after locking my car, I heard her said come in after I told her it was me . I walked in the dim lite room , smooth jazz playing in the scene. She came from the kitchen with only some see through lingerie , I bit my lip at her sexy curves. I sat on the sofa , leaning back as I rest my arms on the back and arm rest. I watched as she slowly sat down with hot chocolate, whip cream and strawberries. " you must finna fulfill my fantasy " I spoke up from the silence. She smirked , dipping a big ,juicy looking strawberry into the hot fudge , and added whipped cream on it facing it to me. I slowly took a bite enjoying the mixed flavors, she then did the same as if she was seducing me , and it was slowly working. She sat the steam down , finishing as she stood up placing her nice ass on my lap , I rubbed her waist , licking my lips . We embraced a deep kiss as she made her was towards my neck, I gripped her waist and a hand full of her ass as she found my sweet spot.

       " you like the way my tongue swirl on you baby?" She questioned , I only bit my lip squeezing her ass tighter as she moaned in my ear. She then stood up , sticking her hand out , I grabbed it while unhooking my bow tie and the buttons on my shirt. I watched hr walk to her room as I followed. From then on the night was right her tongue game was on fire. Her moans and squirming had me want her more and more.

      Let's just say today was a good day.

Finally updated for my girl.

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