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I woke up realizing Janae's naked body on me , no lie I liked the warmth it was bringing and the feel of her voluptuous breast on my mid stomach. Last night seemed as though we we're making love for them first time, but ain't no love here yet I mean not in to deep. I'll rather know where this is going first. A few times Nene crossed my mind, I just can not get her out of my head . I miss her , I really do and maybe I'm enjoying this now , but I'll rather enjoying with someone I love . Don't get me wrong Janae is great and everything's right , just not falling deep as she would like.

I smiled as I thought of calling her my baby momma 'cause of Jalissa . That little girl don't know it but she is light to me when I'm down, especially because I'm not able to see my nieces , their in New Orleans, Louisiana with my older sister. I strongly dislike the fact she left her family to live there because of her baby daddy. I don't like his punk ass for breaking my sister heart over and over again. She took my only light away from me, my oldest niece, I raised her til she was 4 years old then she took her and left. Now my sister has another child and she is so precious.

I grabbed my phone to see I got a few texts , I replied back to my mom to let her know I'm good and will be home later, she should be making her way to church now as I seen it was 10:49 . I looked at the picture Nene sent me of her and her wild hair and smiled . Placing my phone down I just laid there feeling the sun wrap me.

I felt Janae move underneath , I looked down and rubbed her back as she looked up smiling . "sleep good?" I asked her , she just kissed my stomach laying her head back down. I just looked at her curly ,brown hair. I begin massaging her head and temples , as she let out a few , slight moans. After a while , I begin to feel drained like I been sleep to long and I want more of it. I eased out, but she only held me closer. She looked up at me as I made eye contact with her, "why you tryna leave me ,huh?" She asked rubbing up and down my sides and stomach. As I watched her hands glide over my skin I got lost in her pattern only to regain and say gibberish "I be- um it's , I mean I'm not I'm going to the bathroom ma" I finally finished. She continued to feel the presences of my skin and held me tightly , I easily let out a groan. "¿Te gusta ay?" She whispered , I slightly nodded my head knowing that she asked if I liked it, in which I do. I like the feel of her small, yet soft smooth hands ,"to bad you going to the bathroom " she giggled, I faintly smiled as I flipped the sheets off of me , sitting at the edge of the bed. I grabbed my boxer briefs and put them on, as soon as I was done I felt Janae press her perky B cup breast on my back as her hands made there way to my stomach and breast . It was as if she love the feel of my artistic body, like I was that abstract human being that had been sculptured.

" you know I really like you right Jai?" She whispered in my ear and continued " you make me happy and so much more, even Jalissa loves you " she kissed my neck. I can't help be feel temped and pressured at he same time, is she trying to persuade me into making her my girlfriend or am I on Mercury smoking peppermint hookah ? I thought to myself , I stood up facing her as she was eye to eye with my A cup size breast , I held my arms around waist looking down into those brown, hazel eyes as she looked back up at me . Feeling and seeing the warmth giving by the little sun that was out through the blinds, " Nae, I care about you I do , but I'm just not ready to make you mines , I need to get to know you more , its only been a few weeks I don't like to rush , even though we have already I just feel like we need to be there for one another " I kissed her lips as her eyes softened, I really didn't like when she do that , it only draws me into wanting her more . "don't do that please " I whined into her neck , making us fall back as she begin to laugh in a ball of laughter "please, baby I'll do anything , just please don't leave me baby, I need you !" I whined , she only laughed harder as I kissed her neck and pecked her lips looking at her soft face. I love to see her beauty mark rise when she smile or laughed. It was placed right above her top lip in the right corner . " ay loca mama" she finally let out , " I know I'm crazy, crazy for you " I said to her before getting up off he bed.

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