The mind and heart

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Slowly falling in love with a girl miles and miles away from you. I know she's going through the same , but maybe worse . At one point in her life she had someone , someone she was almost close to marrying, but it went down hill. How could I pick up the broken pieces of a love she had once so strong with another?

How could I hold and mold it back to the actual heart?

I couldn't it will only mold for what she let in , for what she carried, and what she holds.

As I sit in my room, no lights, no music, just thoughts.

I need to lay low for a while I thought to myself.

" I just need to ..I don't know " I sat up and grabbed my phone, I put on a black coat and beanie, sliding on my black skater shoes. As I was making my way out I recieved a text message.

Nene : Hey

I smiled at the simple 'hey' .

Me : hey love can you call me , I'm finna take a walk

I replied , connecting my headphones as she called. I answered in monotone.

"Yo.." I whispered , "hey, where you headed?" She randomly asked.

As we continued to talk , I kept walking. Sometimes I'll stop and kick a few rocks or cans and continue to walk. I sat on the swings for a while, laughing at her comments and got serious when talked about us.

It got late and I begin to walk home , striding in and out of the street lights. At this moment I feel as though , I'm at peace with a secret admirer for away. I got off the phone with Nene as I was getting away from the swings.


Stress free



The deliberance of complexity ... The Deliberance of complexity.

My mind was at ease but in thoughts, as it ran and tumble through all my stomach's grumble.
I hear you
I see you
I walk with you
I feel the presence of my enemies but yet I don't want to acknowledge them

She... The feel of her sweet , soft pussy. The touch I felt when I heard her moan. All I imagine as I reach a space in my thoughts, grabbing for a tight rope so that I won't fall off of.

I will see you on the blue ocean floor
Where perished dophines scales slowly take gravity
Blue ocean floor, I hear you calling my name
I sit , sit in water trying to hold my breath but I breath
I breath in peace drinking my green tea

I looked in the sky and noticed I was on the concrete , sitting on the curb near the place I named home. Not call but named , see naming is like giving him or her a reason to be approached . Called, I turned to hear my a dog barking inside my head. Loud.

I looked to see it was 12 at night, my area has a curfew, but as dark as I am in the clothing and skin , I blend right in. "Deliberance of Complexity.. You are not with me, nor of me " I whispered to the silence.

I looked left and then I look right, empty road. Most lights were out in homes and cars locked, or so I was suppose.

" hey.. " I turned to see a guy in a black T-shirt, basketball shorts, and sneakers. He held a basketball , but didn't seem like he was tired from playing. I stood up to size him up only to be two inches shorter. "Yea?" I asked, he had thick , sandy like lips, Bambi brown eyes, and pointy ears. "What cha doing out here thus last, you know we got a curfew , right ?" I nodded my head and stuck my hands in my pocket, keeping my focus on him and hand on my pocket knife in case he tried something. Just because he looked my age doesn't mean I can just be buddy buddy with him. " you good?" He asked bouncing the ball once and stopping it with his foot, I watched as the ball stood still under his sneakers.

" I'm fine, just venting" I explained. He came closer into the light , he had a strong structured nose and lite freckles across his cheek bones and nose. "Well, what's your name?" He asked , messing with his basketball, keeping his eyes on my every move "Jessica .." I lied, and looked at him. He nodded his head "I'm Khalil , ...what school you go to ?" He sat on his ball , still looking at me. " I'm not gonna do nothing as long as you don't " he continued . I smirked as he read my mind, "I go to Rosewood high, I know you don't, because I would remember someone like you" I said to him, "what's that suppose to mean? " I shrugged my shoulders , " you look exotic , rare, I like rare and  I'm attracted to freckles " I chuckled a bit to myself.

We talked for 30 minutes , well because our parents was blowing up our phones to get inside asking the same ol' question ' where are you?' . We gripped each others hands , and slide indicating a hello and goodbye. "Hope to see you around Jessica " I was almost confused to who the fuck Jessica was , but I quickly remembered; I'm Jessica. I nodded my head waving at him, my house was across and adjacent from his so I made it in peacefully.

Only to be bombarded with questions, as I gave her simple answers like " I was walking" . After I lived the series of stares and questions , I proceeded on a shower and falling straight to sleep.

As soon as I was about to fall asleep my phone begin to vibrate off the chart, I saw a few text messages from Kalia , then a call from Janae.

" hmm, hello?" I answered. "Curly hair .." I heard giggling , it was Jalissa playing on her mom phone again. "Jalissa go to sleep baby " I said to her , she whined and said Janae was sleep and she couldn't sleep. I told her to lay down and keep the phone near her ear. I heard shuffling and begin to sing little nursery rhymes to her.

After about three I didn't hear anything , I took that for a sleeping little munchkin " goodnight Jalissa " I whispered. "Goodnight Jai, thank you and I apologize for that " Janae whispered into the phone. I guess it woke her up " its fine, goodnight Janae y'all sleep good" she said a soft OK and I hung up. Out into a dreamland I stayed.

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