If it aint one thing

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I ran through school like I run a 100 meter dash at a track meet. Khalil and I begin to make our way on the bus and sat down. "Today was to much for me, I blame you" I said to Khalil. " how you gone blame me?" " 'cause nigga you took forever and day to go to sleep" he chuckled scrolling through his Instagram. " I'm not good at falling asleep at someone else's place." I just kept my mouth closed and looked out the window playing 'FourFive Seconds- Paul McCartney, Rihanna, and Kanye West'.

I miss Jaelyn so much

She was always there for me , my love, joy my everything. My sister fuck everything up.

I just pushed all that to the back of my head and continue to watch all the passing cars and trees. The color was beginning to come back, Spring was right around the corner and I wasn't much happy about it , that only means; swollen eyes, sneezing and irritation.

The bus came to a stop and we headed off, " yo I'm going to hit you up later " I said getting off the last step as the bus drove off. " um, OK..you alright ?" I nodded my head for confirmation. I wasnt trying to be mean , but going to chill with him would only bring unfinished homework, and his mom. " yea, I just got some homework I want to get out the way." " can I come over , I mean if it ain't no problem. I don't want my mom in my ears" I nodded and we walked into my place. We walked straight to my room and dropped our bags. I walked to the bathroom handling my business and such, after washing my hands I went to the kitchen grabbing snacks and juice. " I'm four five seconds from wildin' and we got three more days until Friday.." I sung aloud.

      This song is really stuck in my head, I walked back cutting the lights out . I seen Khalil already starting his work. " yo, you been talking to ol' girl?" He looked up and nodded " yea.. We been talk, we feeling each other" I smirked putting the stuff in my hands on the bed plugging up my phone to the charger. " aren't you glad we went out Saturday?" He told me shut up and we worked on our homework.

       I was done with most of my classes , I seen that Khalil was done from the corner of my eyes. I was reading another page of a story I'm going to quizzed on the few chapters we had to read. This book was from James McBride, titled The Color of Water . I really adore this book of his life including his white mother and black dad. She had a team of children, at least eight all went off to college in those hard times, she was the only white woman staying in a black neighborhood , and she liked it but never paid most of them any mind of the comments she would receive.

      I finally finished and placed everything back into my black book bag , and sighed. " I want some pussy" I said out loud , meaning to say in my head. Khalil laughed at my out burst as I just looked at him waiting to finish. " me too, come here." I gave him the craziest look I could ever give, " nigga you thought !" I said.

       I'm a virgin and I plan on keeping it that way until I'm married fuck that. I'll rather fall in love and get married , while I'm able to be clingy. Then do that to someone I just met or someone I dated. That's just me I want a family from all that, rather I'm with a female or guy. I just respect the image an vibe of true love.

     It was quite for the longest , don't get me wrong I love it but I just haven't talked in a while , and only five minutes past. " I fuck bitches, I love blows, I give her he-!" I was yelling until my mom walked in, " you what?" I just looked at her and sat up from almost falling off the bed. Khalil was trying to hold his giggles in and kept his eyes on whatever he was occupied with. " I said I truck twixes, I love toes , and I feel her ..what ?" I said trying not to laugh. " Jaiana , you need to watch ya mouth, nobody wanna hear that shit. Hey Khalil" " who pissed in yo cornflakes? " I mumbled more to myself, but Khalil heard and burst out laughing . " Jaiana don't show out in front of company, you ain't to old for a ass whopping." "Hey" he finally let out after laughing a little more. I can not stand when adults say that crap, " bet you won't catch me " I said to myself. I don't want to extend this, Khalil was trying to get away from his mom, hell what about mines. " I love you too ma " she left out the room before anything else was said, I was glad for that.

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