Chapter 2

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Astrid made her way back to her father's office with a frustrated huff to her step, her footfalls echoed heavily throughout the corridor as she wandered her way over to her desk that sat just outside of her father's office.

A few years ago, when Astrid was struggling to find her job and her overbearing father was forcing her to take up a position in business, Astrid was barely able to survive on her own. That was until her father's secretary suddenly decided to quit and relocate to a different island on the other side of the world- which should have been a warning to anyone who came next. Thorald offered Astrid the job to be his secretary until she could find another job, and that was the end of that.

When Astrid arrived back at her seat, she clumsily collapsed into the cushioned chair that sat behind her desk and let out a huge sigh. The frustration she was feeling from what happened a few moments ago was still circling around her system and she wasn't fully ready to let it go yet.

"I mean, who does that guy think he is?" Astrid said to herself in frustration, her anger and annoyance rising to the surface once more. "He bumps into me and asks me to apologise? I mean, I guess it was partially my fault for not looking where I was going, but so was he! He should be apologising to me as well!" Astrid complained, her eyes dropping down to look at the work on her desk whilst she spoke.

Her eyes landed upon her diary for that day and realised that her father was currently in a meeting with the board to pitch his ideas for future investments. Letting out a small sigh, Astrid relaxed into her seat and took out her phone.

"At least Dad won't be around for a few minutes so I'll just wait for him to come back," Astrid muttered to herself before absorbing into her phone as the minutes ticked by quickly.

"Astrid!" A booming voice called out in the corridor causing Astrid to jump and throw her phone in the air and juggle it about in her hands to stop it from falling on the floor in surprise. "What do you think you are doing on your phone?!"

Astrid looked up to meet eyes with her father, his angry footsteps quickly approaching her desk she eyed her sternly upon his approach. Quickly placing the phone on her desk in a discreet location, Astrid placed her hands in her lap and lowered her head in submission to her father. Slamming his fists down onto the table, causing a loud slam to echo outside of his office and Astrid to flinch from the volume.

"Sorry, Father. It won't happen again." Astrid replied sheepishly, her head lowered apologetically to avoid her father's furious gaze.

Letting out a sigh, calming his emotions quickly, Thorald's fists flattened out and he placed his palms calmly, but firmly, upon Astrid's desk. With a friendly smile plastering over his features, Astrid braved a look up to her father who had a calmer expression upon his face as she looked at him.

"It's okay, Astrid. Just..." Thorald seethed, hissing in a breath as he thought about how to phrase his next words, "just don't do it again, okay?" He asked calmly, a small smile dusting across his lips.

Astrid nodded slowly, lowering her head again from the intensity of her father's gaze. However, as he cleared his throat, he gained Astrid's attention and forced her head up to look in his direction.

"Now," He started, his hands still placed upon her desk. "You, your mother and I have all been invited to a dinner with the Chairman, Stoick. You remember the promise I made with him when you were little, don't you?" Thorald asked with an intimidating smile on his face. Astrid gulped slightly as she met his gaze but slowly nodded.

"The arranged marriage?" She asked, tilting her head slightly as she confirmed her answer.


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