Chapter 18

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"Stop it!" Astrid told herself again harshly, slapping her arm in punishment. "If Hiccup sees it, he sees it. I don't care if he thinks any less of me than he already does. He can take it to his grave if he wants. I. Don't. Care."

Astrid gritted her teeth tightly as the words seethed out from her mouth, her jaw tightening as she thought about Hiccup's words that seared into her heart. He had no right to embarrass her like that in front of his secretary, and he had no right in thinking that he gets a clean slate the next day.

Astrid could hold a grudge.

However, Hiccup didn't know this and as he walked into his office that morning, his mind was filled with questions. He still couldn't decipher the reasons for Astrid's odd behaviour that morning, her coldness and bitter words had stung him enough that he felt distracted and hurt.

"Good morning, sir!" Heather greeted brightly, a wide smile and a flirtatious look plaster across her features with heavy makeup.

Yet, Hiccup paid her no mind and completely ignored her, wandering his way into his office and brutally closing the door on her. Heather looked momentarily shocked at his actions, the harshness of his cold behaviour hitting her full-on as she had a small revelation.

"So this is what he's like when he's upset," Heather announced to herself, believing to have never been on the receiving end of Hiccup's anger. "I guess I finally know what it's like to be Astrid. Just without the husband bit..."

However, she was just kidding herself. There were plenty of times when Hiccup would inflict his cold behaviour upon her, yet she was willing to ignore them and move on. Her plan to seduce and marry him not slipping through her fingers so easily.

With a small shrug, Heather sat back down at her desk and looked at her computer screen with a devilish grin, the words of the article sending a wave of pleasure and cunning run through her blood. Her plan was working, and soon this whole ordeal could be over, and Heather could swoop in to collect up the pieces.

"You won't last long, Astrid Hofferson. He was always meant to be mine." Heather whispered to herself as she stared at the picture of Astrid and the mysterious man on screen, their clear chemistry being felt through the screen. "Good luck trying to sliver your way out of this ordeal. I've got you now, so say your goodbyes..." Heather muttered to herself evilly, admiring her photo of Kristoff and Astrid that she had sent in.

Heather was right. The media took the bait, hook line and sinker. As soon as she said that she had evidence of a possible affair with Hiccup's new wife, the media was more than eager to have the image and even paid her a hefty amount for the photo. Heather smiled to herself as she imagined the scenario of Hiccup's name being slandered because of Astrid's 'misdeeds' and her being sent to the curbside. Soon, Hiccup would have the revelation that Heather is the only match for him and they would be married.

At least, that was what Heather dreamed would occur.

"Morning, Heather!" A chipper and energetic voice called out to her as she stared at the screen. The man's voice brought her back to reality and caused her to look up from her screen and over in the direction of the approaching figure.

"Oh, Jack! Good morning," Heather greeted happily, a bright smile spreading over her face as she met eyes with the man before her.

"Is Hiccup inside?" He asked cautiously, his voice dropping slightly as he asked. He understood how busy Hiccup could be on occasion, but when Heather nodded with a welcoming smile, he knew he was in the clear.

"Yeah, go on in." Heather gestured to the door and Jack walked right on in.

Jack enters Hiccup's office with a suggestive wink at Heather as he walks on past. Heather smiles and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear at his gesture before returning to her place behind her desk. Closing the door behind him, Jack turns to look at Hiccup who is sat hunched over his desk, looking very distraught.

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