Chapter 48

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Stoick's office had been quiet, unusually quiet. for some reason or another, there hadn't been much paperwork or board members meeting with him to discuss important information and future deals. It had been quiet.

Normally, this would've been a relaxing day for Stoick, without much important work to be done, he could just as easily relax into his chair and drift away. However, after what Hiccup had warned him about and Spitelout's recent betrayal, this unusual quietness unnerved him.

He didn't like it one bit.

Nevertheless, a sudden, loud knock sounded from the door, the heavy thuds echoing around his room like drumbeats. Stoick straightened himself up in his chair, straightening his tie and raising his expression into a smile. He looked over to the door and prepared himself for what was to come.

"Come in!" Stoick called, allowing his guest entry into his large office.

His desk sat right at the far end of his office and his desk faced the door at the other end. In the middle of the room were a set of chairs and a table, which could be used for small meetings with board members to discuss any important or emergent information. However, it hadn't been used as of late and was therefore gathered a thin layer of dust over its leather skin.

The door to his office gently opened, and by the movement of the handle and door movement, Stoick knew it wasn't his son. His curiosity was piqued when he saw Astrid's face appear from behind the door, her expression wary and unnerved as she entered his office. Closing the door behind her, Astrid made her way further into Stoick's office and carefully approached his desk, her head slightly lowered as she stood before him.

"Astrid!" He announced happily, throwing his arms in the air in celebration of her arrival. His face was beaming with joy at Astrid's presence in his office on this rather dull and quiet day. Astrid smiled back hesitantly and slowly raised her eyes to face him. "What can I do for you, my love?" He asked with a smile, his voice welcoming and friendly.

"Well..." Astrid started reluctantly, finally having a moment of fear and regret for her actions as she fiddled with the object in her hand. "There's something I need to tell you, and something you need to see." She spoke quietly, the feeling of fear and regretfully beginning to seep into her skin as she looked about the room in an attempt to avoid Stoick's gaze.

"What is it? It's okay," Stoick offered a warm, comforting smile her way. When their eyes met, Astrid felt a large weight of her fear slip away as Stoick smiled at her in his own way. "You can tell me anything." His voice was gentle and soft, and it held out a hand towards Astrid that led her down a safe path.

"Okay..." Astrid breathed, exhaling heavily as she placed the object of Stoick's desk with a soft thud. Her hand let the object fall onto the desk and when her hand retreated away from the desk, it revealed a small USB drive that Hiccup had been given.

"A flash drive?" Stoick asked as he picked up the item and carefully twirled it around in his fingers, looking at each side with care as it moved between his fingers. Astrid nodded and took another deep sigh before she spoke again.

"Yes, and on that drive is all the information you need to solve this problem with the board," Astrid announced, earning a confused look from Stoick as he placed the drive back down onto the desk.

"The problem with the board?" Stoick asked, raising his eyebrow slightly at Astrid's words. "What problem is this, exactly?" He asked, a small chuckle knitted into his voice as he spoke.

"My father." Stoick's face fell, and he looked at Astrid with a very serious look. It was clear he did not enjoy those words.

"You better be very careful with what you are saying here, my dear. He is my best friend, and your father, we have known each other for years. That man would never betray me." Stoick argued, dead set in his ways that it was clear he wouldn't see the reality of his life. Astrid sighed and plugged the drive into his computer before Stoick could argue or protest her actions.

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