Chapter 50

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"Are you sure you're okay?" Astrid asked Hiccup worriedly, her hands moving about his body checking for injuries.

The couple were now in the car together, ready to head home early after a long and arduous day at work. Ever since the incident, Astrid hasn't been able to stop fretting over Hiccup and checking whether he was okay. Hiccup, meanwhile, revelled in the attention from Astrid, her kindness and affection making him feel important and loved.

"Astrid, I said I'm fine. You should be more worried about yourself." Hiccup pushed her hands away, his palm showed towards her and flashing a line of red blood on his skin. Astrid immediately snatched the hand and looked at the cut on the skin, a thin, clean cut rested upon the skin.

"Hiccup!" She scolded. "You are not fine! What is this?" She asked in concern, the sight of blood on his skin making her heart race in panic. But Hiccup pulled his hand away from her grip.

"It's okay, Astrid. I'll be fine. It's just a scratch." Hiccup shrugged it off, covering up the wound with his other hand.

"But Hiccup, at least put a plaster over it. Please, I so rarely get to look after you..." Astrid admitted, blushing at the words falling out of her mouth. "I enjoy babying you like this. After all, you did just save my life." She looked up into his eyes and saw a shimmering brightness within them that she had never seen before.

"Gods, I love you." He whispered before pulling Astrid into a big, passionate kiss. The kiss started as a loving peck, but as they pulled away and met each other's eyes, their lips locked again as their tongues collided together in a magical waltz.

"Hiccup..." Astrid breathed between the kiss, trying to pull herself away. However, her breathy voice and the call of his name only pushed Hiccup on further.

"Astrid..." He breathed back, wrapping a hand behind her neck to pull her in closer.

"Hiccup!" Astrid finally caught her breath and pushed Hiccup away, the two of them panting loudly as the car steamed up from their ragged breaths.

Hiccup gazed into her eyes as though she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and his desire to kiss her again was driving him wild. But he held himself back, for her.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his hand still wrapped behind her neck, his fingers caressing her skin there as he waited for her response.

"Restrain yourself, anyone would think that you're a horny teenager." Astrid chuckled as her blushing cheeks showed how affected by his actions she was. Hiccup smiled and pulled his hands away from her, returning them to the steering wheel ready to move the car.

"Only with you, milady. Anyone who has kissed your lips would never want to stop either." Hiccup admitted as he started the car and pulled them out of the car park, while Astrid sat silently blushing in the passenger seat.

How could he say such a thing and not be bothered?!

The journey continued in silence, neither one of them willing to talk. Astrid couldn't calm herself after Hiccup's teasing quip, and it caused her mind to race with ideas that made her blush even harder. Hiccup's grip on the wheel often tightened as he thought about Astrid being in Thorald's arms just a few hours ago.

"I never asked, but..." Hiccup started, not looking Astrid's way but seeing her gaze flick towards him upon the sound of his words. "When he grabbed you..." He paused again, his grip upon the wheel increasing again. "Were you scared?"

Astrid gulped nervously at his question, surprised by the sudden curiosity of her husband. She looked away for a while before sighing heavily, resigning herself to an answer.

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