Chapter 43

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Hiccup was finishing tying his tie and had just tightened it up, all the buttons of his shirt were done up properly despite his wandering mind. It had been a few days since the blackout, and neither of them had mentioned anything about the kiss or the wish. It was a silent matter between the two of them, and not one word had been spoken about it.

But Hiccup hadn't been able to stop thinking about it.

It was becoming a distraction, and Hiccup would much rather forget that it had happened and move on. They had done it before, so why couldn't he do it now? Nothing was different about that kiss, maybe the pretence that Astrid wanted Hiccup to remember about their night together. But other than that, it was just like their other kisses.

So why was it wandering around his mind like an annoying mosquito?

"This is driving me crazy..." Hiccup sighed, brushing a hand through his hair in thought and frustration. He didn't care much about his appearance, it was only a work event, but he knew Astrid would care.

The two of them, in their separate rooms, were getting ready for a work event. It was much like any work event, people dress up nicely and mingle between the crowds before eventually returning home. There was no dinner and no seating arrangements. It was just an open bar at a large banquet hall that had been rented out.

Hiccup was asked to attend, and Astrid would be expected to come with him. It would be the second event that they would be attending together where they had to look like a couple. Hiccup was nervous about the event, not because of how he had to act around Astrid, but because of how he was going to act. Was he going to make everything weird between them?

He hoped not.

Exiting his room, he noticed Astrid's door was still closed and he strode right over to it and knocked gently on her door. He heard her voice call from inside, although he couldn't hear exactly what she said so he remained outside of the room.

"Astrid, I'll wait downstairs for you. Take all the time you need." Hiccup called into the room, the door still closed and the hardwood making the conversation slightly awkward for him.

He heard shuffling and grunts coming from inside the room, his brow furrowed as he tried to strain his ears more to the noises coming from within. He heard Astrid say something, but because of the door, it wasn't clear. Soon, the door swung open, and Astrid was revealed on the other side. Hiccup was slightly alarmed by the sudden movement and took a step back away from the door. Astrid sighed heavily and looked at him with a helpless look, a look that made Hiccup's heart feel heavy.

"Hiccup... Could you, help me?" Astrid asked sadly, clearly not wanting to ask him but knowing it was her last resort. Hiccup gave her a sad smile with a confident nod and followed her inside the room.

"What do you need help with?" Hiccup asked awkwardly. He stopped in the middle of the room and took the time to look around the place, having never really stepped foot inside a girls room before a party before.

The room was a mess. There were clothes on every surface, some undergarments were strewn across the floor and some makeup on the table that looked as though it was on its last legs. Hiccup scowled at the table full of makeup, not liking the idea of Astrid wearing a lot to further pronounce her beauty. For Hiccup, she didn't need to look more beautiful than she already was.

"Could you help me with this dress?" Astrid asked, gesturing to the undone zip down her spine that her small arms couldn't reach. It was clear that she had tried to reach the zip herself, but had too much trouble and needed help.

"Of course," Hiccup muttered quietly, hesitantly making his way over to Astrid's back and carefully grabbing the zip.

As he zipped up the dress, he could feel Astrid's soft skin beneath his fingers as he made his way up the dress. The hairs on her back tickled his fingers and her skin seemed to tense beneath his touch. Was he making her uncomfortable? Or was there some other reason for her reaction? Once the zip reached the top, Hiccup pulled his hands away and smile.

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