Chapter 42

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"Ha! I win again!" Astrid announced proudly as the 3 cards were revealed. Hiccup sighed and threw them onto the Cluedo board in frustration and defeat, but smiled at Astrid's victorious little dance.

"Do you have to do that every time?" He asked, a small chuckle leaving his lips as he watched her shimmy in the silent dark of the living room they were currently sat in. She smiled at him and stuck out her tongue at him as she continued to dance on the spot.

"Yep! 'Cos I know it annoys the hell out of you." Astrid chuckled as she watched Hiccup's face twist and turn, unsure what emotion to portray.

"Alright, alright!" He admitted defeat and held his hands up in surrender, causing Astrid's movements to slow to a halt. She continued to smile like an idiot, but her victorious dance had stopped and she was sat waiting for another game.

"Another game?" She asked, beginning to gather up the cards and shuffle them for another go. Hiccup sighed and lowered his head, shaking it gently as he didn't want to lose another game to Astrid again.

"And lose to you again? No thanks. How about we play something different?" Hiccup suggested, holding up a pack of Uno cards with a mischievous smile on his face, a hidden secret residing behind them that made Astrid feel excited and uneasy.


"Yes, but I was thinking we do things a little differently..."

"Well, what did you have in mind?" Astrid asked hesitantly, the mysterious look in Hiccup's eye only growing with every second he was staring into her own eyes. But his smile dispelled any feeling of fear or anxiety she might've had, instead she felt safe and intrigued by his idea.

"We have a bet. Best out of 3. Whoever wins 3 games, gets a wish that they have to complete tonight." Hiccup announced proud of his idea, his chin darted up slightly as the words exited his mouth and Astrid couldn't help but smile at the action. He looked like a proud child, and it was adorable.

"So, the wish can't be something a few days from now or something? Is that what you mean?" Astrid asked, a look of intrigue and excitement behind her eyes as she looked over to Hiccup with a mischievous smile. Hiccup nodded enthusiastically and smile brightly as Astrid asked about his idea, knowing that she was getting on board with it.

"Exactly, and the wish has to be a punishment for the other person. Like I could say my wish is for you to call up your father and tell him you're pregnant." Hiccup gave an example, but those words sent a shockwave of panic through Astrid's body, the idea scaring her even more than the thought of actually doing it. "I'm not suggesting that you do that, in fact, that was a bad example." Hiccup rubbed the back of his neck nervously, realising he had made Astrid uncomfortable with his words.

"It's okay Hiccup," Astrid comforted, although the anxiety hadn't fully left her body. "I got it, I understand the premise. Let's just get started, shall we?" She suggested, gesturing to the pack of cards in his hand that he was nervously shuffling around within his hands. Hiccup nodded and began to deal out the cards and begin the game.

The game went on for seemingly hours, their focus completely on the game in front of them as they placed card after card in the middle. There were some laughs and some outraged screams as either had to draw 12 cards from the deck in one go. But overall, the atmosphere was peaceful, it was easy.

"Ha! I won!" Hiccup cheered, but Astrid scoffed and rolled her eyes as she collected the cards off of the table and began shuffling.

"Calm yourself. I'm still beating you by 2 points. I could still win this wish, you know." Astrid countered with a sly smile as she dealt out the cards between her and Hiccup. Hiccup smiled back and collected up his cards once the table was set and raised an eyebrow at his cards.

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