Chapter 46

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It had been a few weeks since their confession, and since Astrid had become Hiccup's secretary, and things between the young couple had been slow and sweet. Neither of them slept in the same room as each other, deciding that their relationship shouldn't change too much until they are sure they want to stay married.

Granted, that was Astrid's idea. Hiccup already knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, but was willing to wait for her.

Hiccup was waiting in the hall, adjusting his tie as he waited for Astrid to descend the stairs. It was time for work and Hiccup was waiting for Astrid to drive to work, both of them opting to carpool together like they used to. However, it was often Astrid who was the last one to descend the stairs, and the last one to be ready.

Soon, Hiccup averted his eyes away from his tie and up towards the stairs where he saw Astrid descending with a smile on her face. Their eyes met from across the room and they stayed connected as she glided her way over to him.

"So, what do you think?" She asked, gesturing to her black dress which hugged her curves, but frilled out at the bottom. It was long enough that it wasn't inappropriate, yet also short enough that it wasn't inconvenient.

There was no special reason why she was wearing such a dress that day, apart from the fact that she had no other clothes to wear, as far as Hiccup was aware. Hiccup smiled at her dress, the way it hugged her figure, and he couldn't help but admire the woman in front of him.

"How am I so lucky to have a girl like you?" Hiccup asked himself, the words stumbling from his lips as he stepped closer to her and slowly leaned down to peck her on the cheek. Astrid blushed lightly from his action and turned away.

"Let's go, we'll be late." Astrid shyly responded, ignoring Hiccup's question and choosing to walk past him and out of the door.

Hiccup smiled to himself, loving the effect he had over Astrid, and hurried along behind her. As he closed the door behind him, he saw Astrid nearing the car and quickly ran to catch up to her. When he caught up to her, he grabbed her arm and pinned her against the car, her back flat against the car door and her eyes wide, staring into Hiccup's.

"Hiccup. What're you doing?" She asked hesitantly, her voice cracking slightly from the fright at the sudden action. But Hiccup just smiled.

"I can afford to be late just once..."

Before she could register what was happening, Hiccup smashed his lips against hers, kissing her violently against the door of the car. His hands slid along her waist, pressing her further into the car whilst his mouth explored hers. Astrid lost herself in the heat and emotion of the kiss, wanting more from him with every push of his lips against her own.

However, he pulled away too soon and smiled devilishly down at her. Astrid was left breathless and hot as she looked up at Hiccup, her cheeks blushing from the heat of her body. Hiccup pecked her lips with a small smirk and moved his way around the car to hop inside the driver's seat.

As he moved away, Astrid placed her hand over her chest to soothe her rapidly beating heart. There was always some way that Hiccup could drive her crazy in a matter of seconds, and calm her down with just his touch. However, whenever he kissed her like that, it was the weirdest but most addictive feeling in the world.

Quickly snapping herself from her trance, Astrid turned around and flung the door open and made her way into the car. Slamming the door behind her, Astrid let out a small sigh and relaxed into her seat and allowing the comfort of the seat to envelope her in its warmth. Hiccup chuckled at Astrid's relaxed expression as a sense of admiration and fondness swept over him as he watched his wife's face.

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