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Warning! This chapter contains scenes that some audiences may find inappropriate and disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised. This chapter does contain scenes of a mature nature, if this is not for you then ignore this chapter.

It had been a long week for both Hiccup and Astrid, and it didn't seem like things were going to slow down any time soon. After Thorald was apprehended and later imprisoned for fraud and blackmail, Hiccup was soon promoted to Chairman of the Board and allowed his father to relax into early retirement.

Although Hiccup and Astrid didn't have a child just yet, Stoick was more than confident that there would be an heir to the company soon enough and willingly gave the company over to Hiccup.

But now, that meant that Hiccup had a lot of paperwork to catch up on before he was ready to meet with the board members and discuss their first changes to the company that Hiccup wanted. It was hard work, and the unorganised mess of Stoick's office had taken both Hiccup and Astrid days to sort out. Nothing had been going right for them for about a month, and they hadn't even done anything with each other for such a long time that Astrid was beginning to forget what kissing Hiccup even felt like.

Astrid finally sent the final email of the day and set down the papers that she had finished onto the pile ready to head into Hiccup's office. She placed the final file onto the pile and let out a heavy sigh, relaxing into her chair with a heavy slump. Her arms hung down over the side of her chair and her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she gazed up at the ceiling.

"How much longer is this going to take before it's all back to normal?" Astrid wondered to herself as she looked up at the plain, white colour of the ceiling above her. Personally, she was getting irritated by how little action she and Hiccup had been getting, and she had been growing more and more impatient.

Just one night, that's all she was asking for.

Sighing again, Astrid stood herself up from her desk chair, straightened her back and collected up the pile of papers and files to head into Hiccup's office. Upon opening the door, she looked upon a slumped figure of Hiccup who had fallen asleep at his desk. His head was laid upon a pile of papers and his hand was rested on his keyboard, presumably in the middle of typing something before he fell asleep.

Astrid giggled to herself at the sight of the man at the desk, his chest heaving slowly from each relaxed breath as he slept. Arriving in front of his desk and quietly placing the pile of files upon Hiccup's desk, Astrid made her way around the desk and gently shook her husband awake.

"Hiccup? Hiccup?" She whispered gently, her voice getting louder with each call of his name to rouse him from sleep.

After the tenth call of his name, Hiccup's eyes flutter open with a groggy sigh from his mouth. His eyes fell upon Astrid's smiling face and his pupils sparkled in delight at seeing his wife before him. Sitting upright in his chair, Hiccup smiled up at Astrid, who was stood beside him, and he pulled her down onto his lap - her legs off to one side whilst her arms wrapped around his neck.

"Well, hello there milady. What are you doing in here?" He asked curiously, his hands gently kneading her waist as though she were a delicious lump of cookie dough. Astrid smiled and played with the small strands of hair at the back of his neck.

"I had some more files to give you." She gestured at the growing pile of work sitting upon Hiccup's desk. "It never seems to end does it?" She chuckled, moving her eyes from the desk and back over to Hiccup. However, as their eyes met Astrid sensed a different look behind her husband's eyes, and it made her curious. "What?"

"You have no idea what you do to me, do you?" Hiccup muttered to himself as he buried his face into Astrid's neck, his breath tickling the skin there causing Astrid to shudder. Trying to push him away, Astrid moved her position on Hiccup's lap but was pinned to place by his strong grip around her waist.

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