Chapter 37

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"So, that was something... new."

Astrid was the first one to speak when they woke up that morning, discovering what had happened the night before as the hazy memories came flooding back. Now, they were both sat up against the headboard of the bed, leaning against it with the covers pulled up to cover their chests. Hiccup didn't know where to look, but couldn't bear to look at Astrid after what had just happened between the two of them.

"Yeah, I've never done that... with you before!" Hiccup announced, a slightly sarcastic sense to his tone as he tried to find the humour in their situation.

"Have you done it, at all, before?" Astrid asked with a small chuckle in her voice to dissipate the awkwardness she was feeling around them. Hiccup chuckled back and shook his head, lowering it as he did.

"You're right, I haven't done that at all before..." Hiccup announced with a small laugh.

"Do you think it was a mistake?"

"Probably... Who knows?" Hiccup replied with a shrug, unsure how to answer as his heart raced in his chest.

"Does this mean things are gonna get weird between us?" Astrid asked worriedly, a hint of hesitation seeping into her voice as she stole a glance towards Hiccup. But he continued to stare pointedly ahead and not look her way with all of his might.

"No, Astrid." Hiccup sighed, lowering his head and taking in another deep breath. "I won't let this thing between us make anything weird, I mean, any weirder than our current relationship."

There was a moment of silence that settled in the room, neither one of them looking at one another and neither one of them looking near each other. Hiccup stared straight ahead upon a spot on the wall, whereas Astrid stared at the door, wondering whether she could make a quick escape.

"So, what do we do now?" Astrid asked, finally deciding that she needed to confront this. It wasn't going to go away as if nothing happened, like their kisses. This was serious, and it was something real.

Something real that Astrid had wanted to avoid.

"Well, I suggest we get dressed, get some breakfast, find that mechanic and then go home." Hiccup announced his plan confidently, Astrid stealing him a small glance as he listed their options. But Hiccup's list didn't feel optional.

"So, we're just going to ignore it?" She asked, slightly offended by his words.

That was when Hiccup finally stole a glance at Astrid and he took that split second to take in her looks. Her bare shoulders were uncovered and the rest of her body hidden by the sheets. Her eyes glaring at him as though she were willing daggers to fly out from them, and her smile completely faded from her face. It was clear that she was taking this issue seriously.

"No. What I'm suggesting is that we don't pretend that it never happened, but we also don't act like it did happen. We're friends, right? Things like this can happen between friends, or so I've heard. We just have to laugh it off and see it as a step closer together, a stronger bond of friendship." Hiccup announced, his words making sense to Astrid as she realised what he was saying and nodded in agreement with his idea.

"Okay, yeah... I see what you're saying. That sounds like a plan."

The next few minutes played out in silence, apart from the creaking floorboards and rubbing fabric against the skin as Hiccup and Astrid began to put their clothes back on. However, finding their clothes appeared to be the first obstacle in their efforts to start the day, their shirts were flung halfway across the room, luckily their pants were only by the bed, and their shoes were separated over the bedroom. It was hectic.

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