Chapter 11

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"So, what do we do now?" Hiccup asked as the two of them stood in silence for a few moments.

Astrid let out a small sigh and looked over the letter in her hand once more. She really hated this situation, and her parents were just making things worse. Looking up to Hiccup, Astrid strode forwards and stood before his pile of belongings, looking over it pensively.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I want to have a quick look around the place before I move in," Astrid announced decidedly, her words firm but her voice wavered slightly as she tried to act cool and collected.

Hiccup looked at her back in amusement, her body facing away from him as he walked past her to his pile of belongings. Chuckling to himself, he strode up beside Astrid and nodded in agreement with a smile.

"Yeah, that sounds like a plan," Hiccup motioned her forwards. "Lead on."

Rolling her eyes, Astrid made her way around the house with Hiccup following behind like a lost puppy. Making her way through the rooms she noticed all of them were furnished very basically, with no undue furniture scattered about the room for decoration. Every piece of furniture in each room had a purpose and a need, each one being essential to the room it fitted into.

As the couple made their way upstairs, not a single word spoken between them, they found themselves stood in a narrow corridor. On one side of the corridor, there was a door into the master bedroom, on the other side, there was a door leading into the guest bedroom. Both doors faced each other, and both were the only bedrooms in the house, Astrid just hoped that both of them were furnished.

Turning around to face him, stopping Hiccup from entering the master bedroom first, Astrid held out a hand and stopped him in his tracks. Hiccup looked at her in confusion and raised his eyebrows at her actions.

"Astrid, what are you doing?" He asked with a small chuckle in his voice.

"How about we make this interesting?" Astrid challenged, immediately piquing Hiccup's interest.

"Go on."

"How about we play a little game to determine who gets what room? Like, rock paper scissors to see who takes the room on which side?" Astrid suggested with a shrug of her shoulders. Hiccup raised his eyebrows at her words but shrugged with a nonchalant look in his eyes.

"What the hell. Why not?" Hiccup said and held his hand out in a fist. "Rock paper scissors? Whoever wins gets to choose a room. Right or left." He smiled, holding out his hand in a friendly challenge to her suggestion.

Smiling brightly, Astrid accepted and held out her hand ready to challenge him with a game of rock paper scissors. However, the game did not finish immediately as Astrid had once thought. Instead, their game of rock paper scissors went on for a minute, at least. Their actions continuing to tie as they made the same gesture every time they completed the chant of rock paper scissors.

"Ha! I win!" Astrid yells in delight as she finally broke the system and defeated Hiccup's rock with paper. Sighing exhaustedly, Hiccup lowers his head in defeat and gestures for her to take her prize.

Although a part of him was glad that she won, as he got the feeling that she would be a rather sore loser.

"Go on, choose a room."

Astrid smiled and raised her head up haughtily, a sense of pride and achievement flooding over her as she strode forwards.

Turns out that she was also a bit of an unpleasant winner.

Standing between the two doors, she looked back and forth between each one. With a heavy sigh, Astrid took the room on the left and opened the door.

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