Chapter 8

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This was it.

The day had finally come.

Astrid and Hiccup were nervous as hell.

A knock sounded from the door and Astrid turned her head towards it. She was currently stood on a pedestal in front of a mirror, looking at her reflection in this beautiful wedding dress her mother had picked out. Astrid wasn't too sure about the fit herself, but it didn't look too revealing or too loose upon her figure, so she supposed it would have to do.

Astrid watched as the big wooden door into her dressing room creaked open, and a familiar face peeked through the gap. As she peered inside, Astrid smiled upon her arrival and stepped down from the pedestal and made her way over to them with her arms out.

"Ruff!" Astrid squealed, her arms flinging around this woman's figure in a bear hug.

Astrid and Rachael (Ruffnut was her nickname) had been best friends since they were young, however, they hadn't seen much of each other after Astrid's family relocated, but they had gotten back in touch a few years ago when Astrid first started working for her father. After hugging for a few moments, Astrid pulled away and looked over Ruffnut's figure, taking in the sight of her boyish friend in a slim-fitting dress.

"Wow, never thought I'd see you in one of these." Astrid joked as she took a step back to look at her friend. Ruff blushed and gave Astrid a light punch in her shoulder.

"Shut up," She turned away slightly, "And I never thought I'd see you getting married. I know about your track record after all." Ruff teased, but this caused Astrid's face to fall.

"Thanks for that, Ruff..." Astrid replied solemnly, but her friend just chuckled and gave her another friendly nudge.

"Come on, you know I was only joking. Besides, those guys were jerks. You deserve so much better than them, I guess that's why you chose Hiccup, right?" Ruff asked, smiling brightly at her friend. "He's incredibly sweet, charming, and handsome too."

"Yeah, whatever," Astrid rolled her eyes. Suddenly her eye caught something in her friend's hand, slightly hidden behind her back, "Hey, what's that you got there?" Astrid asked, reaching out for the box in Rachael's hand.

"Oh, this?" Rachael held it up and gestured to it with a small shake, before placing it into Astrid's hands. "It's from Hiccup. He said it was a little gift, to 'remember our promise', I think he said." Ruff explained with a shrug.

Astrid fumbled around with the box in her hand and quickly opened it up. As she opened it, her eyes set upon a delicate, beautifully crafted ring. It had small, silver knotted hearts decorating it, making up its circular design. Each knot looked intricately designed and beautifully crafted and it made Astrid wonder what kind of genius created such a work of art.

"It's beautiful," Astrid breathed, all words escaping her as she looked upon the ring's beauty.

Rachael shrugged and gave her a small pat on the shoulder before beginning to retreat from the room and out of the door.

"Well, he wanted to see you wear it up there. You got five minutes, remember. Don't be late."

The door closed, and Astrid was finally left alone in the room admiring the small promise ring now delicately placed upon her finger. Her gaze fixed upon the silver metal that wrapped around her ring finger tightly, and a small smile spread onto her face.

"I guess this is it, the prologue is over. Time to start a new chapter."


"Now you may kiss the bride."

Hiccup froze, his palms became sweaty from anxiety as his gaze locked onto Astrids, momentarily drifting down to her lips. He stared at her, not making a single move towards her, their hands still connected after putting on the rings and their bodies facing one another. Yet, neither one of them moved after the priest's words.

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