Chapter 39

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"Morning, Heather!" Astrid called out to Heather in a cheerful and slightly sarcastic tone, her cheerful words meaning to infuriate and annoy Heather as she approached her desk.

Heather rolled her eyes at Astrid's appearance into the corridor, waltzing her way up to her desk as though she owned the place. Heather leaned back into her chair and folded her arms across her chest in a frustrated way.

Meanwhile, Astrid managed to make it all the way up to Heather's desk and smiled at the secretary with a friendly smile, even if she didn't mean it. She wanted Heather to hate her more than she already does, because of Heather's crush on Hiccup, Astrid wanted to make her suffer. She stood in front of Heather's desk with her arms folded, almost the same as Heather's stance, and smiled.

"Well, if it isn't the little wifey?" Heather mocked, her words seethed through her teeth as she stared at Astrid as though she were the spawn of satan.

"And how are you doing, Heather?" Astrid asked, knowing that her friendly and innocent words would annoy Heather more. And they were.

"Look, I know you think you're entitled to just wander around the building because you're married to the chairman's son. But listen here, miss. This is my domain, and nobody enters Hiccup's office without my authorisation." Heather spat at Astrid, who continued to smile as though Heather's words had no impact on her. Which they didn't. "First, your father comes here to see Hiccup. And now you? You think you can just enter the office because you're family?"

Astrid's face dropped at Heather's words, the mention of her father causing her heart rate to accelerate rapidly as though she had just run a marathon. Her eyes went wide and her arms fell from her chest and down to her side, reaching forward to lean on Heather's desk. She looked down at the woman with a scared and worried look hidden behind her eyes.

"My father was here?" She asked hesitantly the words barely able to escape her mouth as she looked at Heather for confirmation. The secretary nodded informatively, not catching onto the fear and worry in Astrid's voice.

"Yeah, this morning. He left a few minutes ago. I thought you would know that as his secretary." She scoffed, not believing that a girl this incompetent was married to the man she worked for.

"Well, there are a lot of things my father doesn't tell me," Astrid muttered, leaving Heather confused at her words and furrowing her brow slightly. "I need to speak to Hiccup. It's urgent." Astrid pleaded, unwillingly.

Heather laughed out loud, amused by the concept of Astrid begging her for something. She was loving it. The idea that such a woman, that was married to Hiccup, was asking and pleading with her to do something. Heather had the power, and she was going to abuse it.

"I can't let just anyone in his office, you know. And to me, you're not someone special to him."

"Well, then I guess that means that every girl he's ever slept with is not special to him..." Astrid remarked, a small smirk on her face as she let the words sink in. But Heather just scoffed at Astrid's arrogance and rolled her eyes hysterically.

"Don't try that with me. I know Hiccup's a virgin." Heather boasted, folding her arms across her chest, thinking she'd won.

"Well, I mean... He was." Astrid admitted, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear as she reminisced on their night together.

"He would never sleep with someone like you, you're nothing to him!" Heather seethed, Astrid's words clearly beginning to get to her.

At that, Astrid outwardly laughed in Heather's face as the knowledge of her moment with Hiccup at the inn flashed before her mind. Heather didn't realise how special Astrid was to Hiccup's life, but neither of them would ever admit that.

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