Chapter 14

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Adjusting his tie rather forcefully and tiredly, Hiccup looks at his reflection in the mirror. It had only been a week of holiday for him, but it felt as though he was going back to work after a year, and the feeling was unfamiliar to him.

Hiccup had never really known holidays, choosing instead to work every day apart from weekends. He always worked and never asked for a day off. There were the obligatory days off that he was forced to take due to company policy, but even during those weeks or days, he would be working.

Due to his marriage with Astrid and their new living arrangements, Hiccup hadn't really had the chance to work. Instead, Hiccup found himself distracted at home and wishing instead to sit and relax or cook for Astrid. Spending his time with her had become a holiday and luxury to Hiccup and he had forgotten what going to work felt like.

"What is happening to me?" Hiccup questioned himself as he looked at his reflection.

This wasn't the same cold businessman he was used to seeing. This man was relaxed? and happy?

"Why can't I just go back to normal? Is this what coming back to work feels like?" Hiccup worried as he straightened his suit jacket once more before shaking his head. "Get out of your head, Hiccup. Stop overthinking too much."

Shaking himself out of his thoughts, Hiccup turned away from his reflection and gathered his briefcase and headed out of his bedroom door. As he opened the door, he was met with Astrid walking out of her room. Both of them stared at each other for a few moments, the silence filling the air between them increasing the tension before Hiccup cleared his throat.

"Errm... Do you want a lift to work?" Hiccup asked nervously.

Astrid looked up from the ground, her own bag in hand as she stood before Hiccup. His offer was tempting, but she already felt as though she owed him too much and her pride refused the offer. On the other hand, there was a part of her that was intrigued by the romantic idea of Hiccup taking her to work. Her heart was doing backflips merely thinking about the idea.

"I don't know..." Astrid ambiguously replied, nervously looking away from his stare as he awaited her answer.

"It won't trouble me if that's what you're afraid of. It's okay, really. I don't mind." Hiccup spluttered, scrambling for the correct things to say to convince Astrid to carpool with him to work.

In truth, Hiccup was excited by the idea of taking her to work. Sitting in such close proximity with her, the prospect of accidental kinship sending his mind into overdrive as he thought about the various scenarios. His heart was bursting inside his chest as he thought about the idea.

"I guess it would be okay... I was just going to take the bus," Astrid muttered, her gaze falling to the side as she replied.

"No, I insist," Hiccup affirmed, more confident in his request than before.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, come on Astrid. Don't be so stubborn."

"I mean---"

"You're coming with me, Astrid. If you take the bus you'll be late. It would be best to take up my offer and let me take you to work." Hiccup spoke confidently, Astrid's stubbornness rubbing off on him as he refused to let the offer go. "Going once..."

Sighing in defeat, Astrid nodded her head and agreed to his request. As Astrid nodded her head, HIccup began beaming from ear to ear seeing her response.

"Alright. You win. Let's go." Hiccup smiled brightly, the corners of his lips reaching each ear. As he looked upon Astrid's defeated expression, his smile fell. Perhaps she wasn't as enthused about the idea as him, but he wasn't going to let that get him down. He was still psyched.

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