Chapter 32

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Hiccup awoke the next day, still lying on the couch in the living room and a slight crick in his back from the uncomfortable cushions. Groaning lightly, Hiccup rose up gently and looked about him, searching for Astrid and any remnants of their meal last night.

However, it was all clean.

"Morning, Hiccup!" A beautiful, serene voice called out to him at that moment, waking him up from any drowsy feeling he was having. Turning around, he saw Astrid coming through the door into the living room with two mugs of steaming coffee within.

It was a sight Hiccup could get used to seeing every morning.

But only in his dreams.

Passing a mug over to Hiccup, Astrid sat beside him on the couch, getting comfortable on the cushions that had become misshapen due to Hiccup's weight. With a smile, she scanned his figure and let out a small chuckle as she reached up and fixed a few loose strands of hair that were messing up his auburn locks.

"If you were hoping to go to work looking like this, you are very wrong," Astrid commented with a chuckle, smiling brightly as she brushed her hand through his hair again. Hiccup quickly reached his hand up to his head and grabbed her hand, stopping her actions.

"Stop it, you're breaking one of the boundaries." Hiccup pointed out reluctantly, his mind wanting her to stop before his heart exploded from the welcome action. He couldn't admit it to her, but her soothing fingers that ran through his hair made his heartbeat and his body grow hot. He loved the feeling.

But it was making him fall in love with her, so he had to stop it.

"You're right. Sorry," Astrid replied lowly, a sense of disappointment and regret filling her voice as she retreated her hand and placed it on the side of her mug, cupping the object between both hands. "Anyway," Astrid cleared her throat. "I think you should have a shower and change your clothes before we head off. I'll drive us and you can get a few more winks in before we get there." Astrid suggested a smile of excitement and secrecy plastered itself across her face as she slowly stood up from the couch and slowly made her way out of the room.

"Wait!" Hiccup called out, trying to crawl over to her without spilling his coffee, but resorting instead to just turning towards her. "Why are you driving? Can you even drive?" Hiccup asked, unaware that Astrid found one of his questions quite offensive.

"I'm not bad at everything, Hiccup! Besides, do you think I'm that irresponsible enough to not know how to drive?" Astrid asked, placing a hand over her chest as she let out a short gasp at his words. Hiccup shook his head, a mild look of worry crossing over his eyes as he heard her words.

"No, no! That's not what I meant---"

"Look!" Astrid held up her hand and immediately stopped Hiccup's words. "I'm driving us to work because I'm insisting. Okay? Let's just leave it at that and stop arguing."

Astrid turned on her heel and walked out of the room leaving Hiccup with an open mouth and a tongue filled with words he was wanting to say. However, as she left the room, all the words died upon Hiccup's tongue and he was left in the room to begin his morning routine.

Astrid left him to clean himself up and get ready for the workday, making her own way to her room to get herself ready for work. She dressed up in her usual work attire, but as she began buttoning up her shirt she noticed a small duffle bag shoved to the corner, in the shadows.

An idea popped into her head and made her smile at the thoughts, although she knew that Hiccup wouldn't go along with it willingly. She decided to risk it and took the duffle bag into her hands and placed inside it a couple of casual clothes for her to wear.

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