Chapter 3

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Hiccup and Astrid sat beside each other at the table, their eyes staring pointedly ahead, not daring to look at one another. Astrid looked over at her mother with a desperate, annoyed expression as she tried to escape from this awful situation she was thrust into. Hiccup wasn't enjoying the situation either and tried to distract himself by counting each new customer coming into the restaurant as they entered through the door. However, he was soon brought back to their table when his father's booming voice called out his name.

"Hiccup. Are you okay?" Stoick asked in concern, looking at his son worriedly before Hiccup gave him a confident shake of his head.

"I'm fine, Dad. It's okay." Hiccup replied, his hand raising to stop any further questions about it.

Stoick shrugged and turned back to Thorald with a wide, excited grin.

"It's been a long time since we got together like this, especially with the kids," Stoick announced, gesturing to the two, awkward adults across the table from him. "I mean, they haven't seen each other for, oh, it must be getting on for 20 years now."

Hiccup and Astrid darted their eyes over to Stoick, a confused but shocked look covering their faces as they were made aware of this fact. Over the years, these two lost contact and forgot about each other's existence, quickly forgetting about their encounter together.

"We met before?" Astrid asked in surprise, the words tumbling from her lips before she could think to speak. Her father gave her a scolding look that didn't go unnoticed by Hiccup.

"Of course you have," Stoick repeated, "Do you not remember? I guess it was a long time ago." Stoick rubbed his chin thoughtfully, forgetting how young the two kids were when they first met and so must have forgotten the meeting over time.

"I mean, it was 20 years ago, wasn't it, Thorald?" Astrid's mother, Erika, piped up. "I mean, gods. Look at you, Hiccup. I must say you've grown up quite a lot since I last saw you." Erika complimented Hiccup, causing him to smile and bow his head from embarrassment at being the centre of attention, even if it was for a few seconds.

"Much the same to you Astrid, you've definitely grown up a lot over the years, if you don't mind my saying so." Stoick complimented causing Astrid to blush slightly from his compliment and avoid her parents gaze.

"Well then," Thorald spoke up, gaining everyone's attention onto him. "I think we know why we're here, let's not beat around the bush about it. Hiccup," Hiccup looked up awkwardly and nervously met eyes with Thorald across the table, "what do you say about marrying my daughter?"

His question was very direct and it took Hiccup a few seconds of recoil to decipher what he had said. When Hiccup had regained his composure, rather quickly, he had a bright, friendly smile upon his face but a regretful look in his eye.

"I mean, I'm not too sure how comfortable I am getting married to a woman I don't know." Hiccup started, his gaze momentarily drifting over to his father whose expression was beginning to drop and change into one of fury and disappointment. "However, I suggest maybe Astrid and I get to know each other before the wedding and we'll---"

"I'll do it," Astrid spoke up suddenly, her words instantly cutting off Hiccup's thoughts. "We'll get married, and we'll take the time before the wedding to get to know each other." Astrid explained, her words directed at Hiccup as she turned her head to look up at him beside her.

Hiccup gave her a confused look before he looked back over to his father, who had started beaming with pride from Astrid's words. Hiccup felt a sinking, foreshadowing feeling sink into his stomach as he saw a sickening smirk spread across Thorald's face momentarily. Looking back over to Astrid, Hiccup was unsure how to feel. But sucking in a brave breath, he turned back to his father and Astrid's parents,

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