Chapter 34

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"Husband?" Astrid muttered out, Neil's words registering in her mind as they settled in her ears. The man perked up and nodded his head energetically in response, a bright smile on his face.

"He is your husband, is he not? You're both wearing wedding rings after all, and you two do look like a beautiful couple." Neil complimented happily, a smile never wiping off his face as he looked between Hiccup and Astrid.

"Oh, no that's--"

"Right!" Astrid cut Hiccup off, smiling brightly at Neil whilst sending Hiccup a warning glance.

It would be too complicated and confusing to explain their real situation. So, they would both just have to put up with having to pretend they are married whilst in The Cove. Astrid wasn't happy about it but would deal with it anyway. She loved this town.

"Anyway," She began again, her gaze lowering to look at the wedding ring upon her finger that she continued to forget was ever there. She looked back up at the shop owner with a concerned look. "Where is the nearest inn? Or is there a hotel nearby?" She asked curiously, a look of concern and slight panic hidden behind her eyes. The man smiled again, brighter than before, and nodded.

"Of course there is an inn. However, as you'll know, there are no hotels in town. We don't get that many tourists around here, miss. No, but there is an inn down the road. It's called the Berkian Warrior. It's just down yonder, if you continue to walk along this road out in front along the promenade you'll soon reach it." He explained enthusiastically, as though he was an NPC in a role-playing game, and directed the couple to the next location. "But mind you don't go just yet, lass. It doesn't look much like the rain is going to let up soon. Why don't you stay a little till it calms down?" Neil offered, causing a smile to light upon Astrid's face.

"Thank you, Neil. Thank you," Astrid took his hand in her own and shook it gratefully, a smile plastered across her features as she shook his hand. He smiled back and responded to her handshake with a gentle action.

"You're welcome, my love. I'm always willing to help such a beautiful and kind couple. Young man," He called at Hiccup, his eyes focused on Hiccup's figure and scanning him up and down like a disapproving father. "What's your name?" His question seemed forceful and intimidating, but in reality, it was an average curious question.

"Hiccup, sir. My name is Hiccup Haddock." Hiccup announced, introducing himself to Neil in a polite and thankful way. Neil smiled at Hiccup and nodded his way in a gracious way.

"Nice to meet you Hiccup." Neil greeted. "You know, my nephew was called Hiccup. What a smart young lad he was! Served in the army, you know. Was a brave little lad, but unfortunately, a bit pig-headed at times!" He chuckled, the thought of his young nephew coming to mind. Astrid chuckled along with him and leaned closer to him so that her voice was slightly away from Hiccup.

"Yeah, they are a bit, aren't they?" She joked, earning another hearty chuckle from Neil.

"Oh, my! Yes, they are!" His laughter died down as his gaze looked out the window to the streets outside. "Well, would you look at that? The rain seems to have calmed down. You should be alright to go now. Just be sure to come back soon." He called to the couple as they made their way out of the store, waving their goodbyes to the friendly shop owner who still stood at the counter.

After leaving the store, the rain having calmed and dissipated rather quickly, the couple walked along the promenade in search of the inn called the Berkian Warrior. Astrid hadn't heard of the inn before, in fact, she hadn't been sure there was even an inn in town. However, as her eyes scanned the buildings, they landed upon a sign of a warrior, barbarian type with a large axe with the words 'Berkian Warrior' decorating the top and bottom of the sign, circling the character art.

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