Chapter 7

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Looking down into the entrance hall of the manor, where the party cut off and left the hall empty, Astrid looked out to see her fiance flirting with a black-haired female. Something within her was uncomfortable and angered by this interaction. However, Astrid couldn't figure out why their closeness bothered her.

"Hiccup?" Astrid whispered out, his name falling from her lips without her realising. Yet, the two were in such deep conversation and close proximity that her voice was drowned out by their close breaths.

Hiccup tried to keep himself as far away from the girl as possible, but when he was pinned against the wall by her, he didn't have much of a choice but let her get close. She placed her hand upon his arm and stroked it gently, a hint of sexual tension in her fingers as they danced up his skin. However, Hiccup was not affected by any movement she made towards him and instead he just prayed that she'd go away.

But from Astrid's perspective, Hiccup was feeling the opposite. From where she was standing, Hiccup was keeping the girl close, wanting their intimacy and the underlying tension between them was growing thicker by the second. Anyone could feel it. Astrid felt sick to her stomach when she watched the girls hand touch Hiccup's arm and dance it up to his neck, feeling his hot skin beneath her fingers.

Astrid couldn't take anymore.

Turning away, she stormed off and into the crowd, wanting to get away from the scene as quickly as possible. For some reason, the fact that Hiccup had abandoned her to go and talk to another girl bothered her. Was she not good enough?

"Heather, stop this." Hiccup whispered, pushing his flirtatious secretary off of him a bit more, but she still managed to keep herself attached to him despite his protestations. "It's not right, I'm getting married and I'm your boss." Hiccup continued to protest.

Heather leaned in closer, pushing past the barriers that Hiccup had been attempting to put up, believing her looks and words were enough to make him sway. Yet, she underestimated Hiccup's loyalty and willpower.

"Yea, but it's not a real marriage. You're only arranged, you're not actually in love with her, are you?" She asked, although the question was rhetorical Hiccup felt the need to reply.

As she asked the question, Hiccup felt a small pang in his heart and a new question fill his head. Did he love her? Hiccup turned his head away from Heather and looked over to the party in the main grand hall. As he looked, he managed to make out a small head of familiar blonde hair turning away from them and walking back into the crowd. A small part of him wanted to chase after her, but another part of him decided that he didn't care.

He didn't love her like that.

"No, I guess not..." Hiccup replied sadly, a reluctant tone to his voice. Heather smiled and wrapped her arms around Hiccup's neck whilst he was momentarily distracted.

"Right, so we haven't got a problem here then," Heather announced before she began to throw herself at Hiccup.

Just as Heather leaned forward, her movements quick and harsh, Hiccup pushed her away forcefully. He knew what she was about to do, and he wasn't just about to give it away. That was something he would save for the girl he loved. But at the moment, the girl he loved wasn't Heather. Scowling harshly her way, watching as Heather struggled to regain her balance and recover from the sudden movement, Hiccup stood up away from the wall and walked closer to Heather, who was now stood a few feet away from him.

"Well, it is a problem for me, and I sure do hope you are drunk right now, Heather." He scolded, his voice bared through gritted teeth. "Because if not, I could get you fired for sexual harassment and trust me, that's not a good thing to put as one of your references. Trust me, kissing me is not worth being fired." Hiccup warned causing Heather's eyes to widen momentarily before she held a hand to her head, clearly acting dizzy from the alcohol.

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