Only Mine

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(Edited 07-08-16)
A thousand years ago

It was almost time. My palms were sweaty, my knees weak and my mouth was as dry as ash.

Today was the first day of the rest of my life or so my mother had said.

To me though it felt that I was being dragged down into a never ending black hole, without any hope of escape. My freedom was being forcefully taken away from me and I didn't like it not one bit.

Yes today was my wedding day.

Today was the day I would marry Niklaus Mikealson, and nothing but death would part us which was unfortunate for me.

I would love to say that since our parents announced our union, that Niklaus and I had become  friends and worked through our shock together, but we hadn't. In fact we had barley  spoken since the day I ran from my home, after my father's life changing announcement.

Truth be told, the only person I had expressed my feelings to had been my sister Tatia.

She understood my reluctance to marry Niklaus, as just a few weeks ago he was heartbroken over my sisters decision in choosing his brother Elijah, rather than him.

Tatia also understood that I have no choice but to marry her ex-lover, as we both knew it was better to be on Papas good side rather than his bad. After all both Tatia and I had seen his temper first hand.

Tatia assures me Niklaus is a good man and he will treat me right. My sister has also pointed out, that I have not made the effort to get to know him, I then pointed out that neither had he. Tatia just responded by saying we were both as stubborn as each other, something in common at least.

In truth the real reason, I haven't made the effort with Niklaus is because I feel as though he is being given a consolation prize, because he couldn't have the winning prize, that prize being Tatia.

I didn't want to be second place to anyone not even my sister, I know that sounds selfish but I am the one who has to spend the rest of my life with this man.

As a child I always dreamed of who I would marry, I imagined a man who would look at me as if I was the only person on earth, a man who would sweep me off my feet and beg my father for my hand in marriage. I dreamed I would walk down the aisle and take his breath away meanwhile he would think that he was the luckiest man on earth to have a woman like me.

I guess I will never have my dream because when I walk down that aisle today, I know the man at the end will only be thinking of one woman my sister Tatia

I loved my sister dearly, but growing up I was always given things second hand, Tatia's old dresses, Tatia's old Toys, Tatia's old Jewellery and now her old lover. Was it to much to ask for something that is just mine and mine alone. Why must the gods be so cruel as to bind me with a man who still lusts after my sister.

"Its time" I heard Tatia say from behind me.

I turned around to face her, trying to keep my tears at bay.

"Already" I squeaked back as I started to panic, I felt sick again.

Oh god I need more time, I need to get out of here. I have to run but to where and how? A horse I need a horse! I can't do this I can't marry a man I barley know no this cant be happening no!

I was pulled from my inner meltdown by Tatia calling my name.

"Thyra little one, breathe, just breathe please" she said while rubbing my back softy trying to help me calm down, it didn't work

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