You'll find me again

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I watched Nik put Kol's body in his coffin with tears in my eyes, this was it, this was the last time I would see his face. The heartbreaking pain was still there and I knew it always would be, but the pain had lessened just a bit knowing that I had got some justice for my best-friends death. I shut my eyes tightly as I heard the coffin close and took a deep breath.

Nik kept his hands on the coffin for longer than necessary, I knew he was struggling not only with Kol's death but with the fact that I was leaving him again. Nik started to turn around and I knew a heated argument would follow so before he could fully turn around I whispered "Goodbye" then I was gone.


I woke up the next morning to pounding music coming from my living room; I groaned and dragged myself out of bed pushing the dead body that lay beside me away. After leaving the mansion and Nik I decided to have a party in my apartment, I compelled the residents of the apartment block to join me, now they where all dead. Most of the night was still a blur but I didn't care by the look's of things I had a blast.

I surveyed the damage and smirked Kol would be proud, I had gone full blown ripper last night and god did I enjoy it. Every surface was covered with blood and decaying bodies, my once pristine white walls were now covered in red splatters I had even managed to get blood on the ceiling; I was impressed I had killed at least thirty people.

I picked up the blaring radio and smashed it against the wall, I then took a half bottle of whiskey from the kitchen counter and downed it, I looked down at my clothes in disgust realizing I had been in the same clothes since the night of Kol's death.

"Time to shower" I muttered.

After scrubbing myself raw, I dressed in a black and dark blue skater skirt with a navy long sleeved v-neck top; I paired the outfit with black pointed velvet pumps that had a strap around the ankle. I didn't bother with make-up left my hair down to dry naturally.

When I was ready I looked around the apartment making sure I left nothing behind then I took my suitcases that were by the door and placed them in my car. I didn't bother cleaning up the bodies; I had to leave something behind for the people of MysticFalls to remember me by.

I got into my car speeding down the streets of MysticFalls ready to get the hell of this town when something stopped me, I groaned and hit the steering wheel with my hands before turning around and heading in the direction of the place I needed to be.

I pulled up to the Mansion shaking with nerves I knew there was a chance I wouldn't make it out of here, that I could end up in a box yet again but I didn't care.

Why? Because I crave him I need him I ... I love him more than anything else in this world and he knows this and uses it for his gain. Why do I let him? I guess you could call me a masochist.

Honestly I didn't care what people thought when you spent a thousand years with someone get back to me.

I got out of my car and walked to the front door, opening it up before walking inside. I stopped and listened for any sign of my husband, in the distance I heard the pouring of liquid, I knew instantly he was drinking well this should be fun. I quickly walked to the other end of the house until I got to his studio.

I stopped when I got to the doorframe and gasped. Drawings, rough sketches and paintings where scattered all across the room there was hundreds of them and they were all of the same thing, me.

"I thought you were leaving" Nik sneered making me jump.

"I am" I murmured as he staggered towards me, obviously drunk.

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