A Good Party

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(Edited 26-04-17)

It had been a long night I had barley slept but I didn't mind, I had spent the night in one of the many spare rooms catching Kol up on everything he had missed since he had been daggered in the 1900s.

It was just like old times staying up for hours with my best-friend gossiping like two teenage girls, except I was now staying in a house with two people I couldn't stand, my estranged husband and my mother-in-law.

Kol teased me about how I would be back in Nik's arms in no time but I wasn't so sure, this time was different, I spent decades running from him and now just because I was in his home didn't mean I was going to jump his bones.

Right now, Kol, Rebekah, Elijah, Finn and I were in the living area getting ready for tonight's ball.

That's right, Esther Mikaelson, the woman who had been sleeping for a thousand years, had decided the first thing she was going to do was throw a huge party for the whole freaking town!

She claimed she wanted to know the people who would be our neighbours, but I couldn't help but feel that she was up to something.

Kol and Finn were being fitted for tuxes while Elijah stood to the side polishing his shoes. Meanwhile Rebekah and I lounged on the sofa getting a manicure from some compelled beautician.

"A ball really! The first thing your mother does after sleeping for a thousand years is throw a huge party, never mind trying to catch up on modern life. Only you Mikaelsons would find this a normal situation" I grumbled making my thoughts known, what can I say I was blunt.

I just received amused looks from the siblings, they knew how I felt about their mother, I meant she killed my sister, so they didn't take my statement seriously. It wasn't only that though the way she offered Nik forgiveness so easily after ripping her heart out a thousand years ago without even the slightest argument also made me extremely suspicious.

"Lighten up darling, from what I remember you absolutely loved a good party. All those men ogling you, knowing they don't have a chance in hell and let's not forget the jealous eyes of their wives you relished in the attention" Kol stated smirking while looking at himself in the mirror.

"That was then Kol back when your mother wasn't alive and I didn't detest your brother so much that I want to gouge out my own eyes while in his presence" I shot back.

"We've all felt that way about Nik one time or another it's nothing new. Now stop being a spoil sport sweetheart and just go with it, let's not forget you are just as much a Mikaelson as the rest of us".

"Petrova actually" I muttered pettily.

"Please darling you've been a Mikaelson for a thousand years no point in changing it, now you and Rebekah tell me how handsome I am" Kol said still smirking

"Oh, Kol you know I can't be compelled" Rebekah replied to which made us all laugh.

Our bonding was then interrupted when Nik came storming into the house with a heated glare aimed at Rebekah.

"You went after Elena! What's wrong with you" he shouted at his sister.

"Here we go" I muttered looking at Elijah.

"Do you want another dagger in your heart" he threated Rebekah.

"Again, with the dagger threats don't you have any other tricks" Kol butted in, sick of his brother's threats.

"Oh, go back to staring at yourself" Nik snapped.

"Who are you my father?"

"No but you are in my house" Nik shot back walking closer to Kol.

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