The Rager

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Season 4 episode 3 (I've skipped season 4 episode 2 as none of the originals appear in it)

I woke up wrapped in Nik's arms with a smile on my face. After the night I found out he was alive we had spent all of yesterday in bed mostly. We fought over his treatment of Rebekah multiple times and keeping the fact he was alive a secret, but it ended up with us in bed again and again, not that I was complaining. Nik also tried to get me to leave MysticFalls but I refused to leave without Rebekah. This stated another fight but the best thing about fighting was the making up.

"Morning angel" Nik said pulling me closer to him.

"Morning" I murmured kissing his naked chest that I was lying on.

"I don't suppose those few hours sleep have changed your mind" he asked. I huffed and pulled away from him getting out of bed. I pulled on Nik's discarded shirt from yesterday.

"I told you I'm not leaving without Rebekah, she's family"

"Leave here to sulk, love she'll follow us eventually"

"You really hurt her Nik. Besides I promised her I wouldn't leave her" he was about to reply when his phone rang. I sighed and walked in to the bathroom to shower.


I sat in the Lockwood's parlour drinking whiskey as we waited for the teenage hybrid to come home. I was dressed in black ripped skinny jeans. A red and white sleeveless turtle neck that showed some of my stomach, I paired the outfit with black high ankle boots. I did two loose plats in my hair and placed a black fedora over it, I also put on some eyeliner mascara and some lip-gloss.

"Tell me again why where here again" I said sipping my drink.

"I told you love now that you killed my doppelganger and Rebekah disposed of the last of her blood I need to protect the last of my dying breed".

"Didn't this on betray you" I smirked he ignored me and went to talk to his other hybrids.

Apparently during our day in bed a lot had happened. A new hunter had appeared in town and tried to kill Tyler at the memorial for the council members, who were blown up, in the place Rebekah had been held after she got captured. So now here we were protecting the little runt who tried to end Nik. If it was me I would have finished the hunter's job. I heard a car pulling up and knew it was the mayor and her runt. I finished my drink and walked in to the foyer.

"I was just getting ready to leave mystic falls when I heard you were attacked, I was hoping to be gone from this town for good but duty calls." Nik said to Tyler.

"Nice to know you care" Tyler replied.

"I don't. I should have killed you for the little stunt you and your friends pulled stopping my heart leaving me in a coffin to rot." Nik sneered.

"Yeah, well you used my body as an escape hatch, so maybe we're even". Tyler spat.

"Not even close" Klaus glared

"Boys, boys control yourselves. Now Tyler if I were you I would say thank you and get over it. I mean your body looks perfectly fine, I mean if Niklaus hadn't borrowed your body he would be dead along with you and your poor mother here would be a wreck."

"Yeah whatever" Tyler said. I the blink of an eye I had him up against the wall. I pushed my hand into his chest and grabbed his heart. I heard his mother gasp and Nik sigh.

"Watch your tone boy I could kill you within the blink of an eye or better yet, I could have some fun with that pretty little Barbie you're so fond of. I would hate to take away your favourite little toy." I fake pouted

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