Into the Wild & Down the Rabbit Hole

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Season 4 Episode 13&14

I sat on the floor facing the Gilberts kitchen staring at the dead body of my best friend. I had stopped crying hours ago, after I had tore apart the small section of the Gilbert's home that Nik and I where trapped in. Nik didn't dare stop me or try to calm me he just let me go through the motions.

After I let out all my heartbreak and anger I sunk to the floor in front of Kol's body and stared. Niklaus had tried to get me to talk, cry even shout but I ignored him and continued to sit and stare.

After Niklaus fake death I didn't think I would ever experience such excruciating pain again, but I was wrong. My hands longed to touch Kol's charred remains to hold him to me and beg him to come back, not to leave me, but the Bennett witch had seen to it that I couldn't.

Kol had always felt like the black sheep of the family, when it came to the bond Elijah, Niklaus and Rebekah shared he felt like an outsider, but I had always made sure that he never felt neglected that he always felt wanted. Kol and I shared an unbreakable bond that went back to our childhood he was my best-friend, my confident and partner in crime. Even when he was stuck in a box, I knew that one day he would always come back ready to cause mayhem with me by his side, but now the cold reality was he was never going to come back to me.

I would never see the mischievous glint in his eye when he was up to something, the smirk that seemed to be a permanent fixture on his face, his laugh, that rare genuine smile and I would never hear his voice calling me 'darling'.


I didn't know how much time had pasted nor did I care, I heard voices around me, my name was mentioned but I ignored it my eyes never straying from Kol's body.

My trance was interrupted by a green sheet covering Kol's body. I looked up and glared, as I saw Caroline and Tyler standing up after covering his body.

"Don't touch him" I hissed. Both looked at me with shock flinching at my heated glare.

"Where just covering him up don't worry" Caroline said softly. I sneered at her I didn't need her pity.

I stood up slowly as my legs were numb from sitting for so long. Nik helped me looking at me concern but I shook him off.

"Tyler's mother is dead. So is my brother. We're even" Nik said

"Call Bonnie, and get her to let us out of here" he continued.

"I will never, ever, help you" Caroline stated angrily.

"How quickly you forget the part where I saved Tyler from the misery of being a werewolf, or the night your mother invited me into her home. To save the life of her precious daughter" Nik said, I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"How delusional are you? You killed his mother and let's not forget that we're standing in a house where Elena's aunt Jenna used to live. Did you think your charm would make us forget how you killed her, too? You know what? No, I am not going to engage in this. You are not even worth the calories I burn talking to you" Caroline ranted.

Her voice was high pitched and annoying and right now you didn't want to annoy me. I zoomed over to the wooden lamp in the corner of the room and broke it in half. I then plunged it through Caroline's stomach and pulled her into my temporary prison. She screamed in pain as I ripped the wood from her stomach and pushed her against the wall, I dug my hand into her chest and took a hold of her heart she screeched and begged me to stop but I didn't.

"I warned you before Barbie, that you should never talk to my husband in such a disrespectful manor. Now while you're stating facts I have a few of my own. Elena's precious aunt Jenna would still be alive if Damon hadn't saved you and Tyler from being used in the ritual, better her than you right" I laughed coldly.

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