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The sequel is called "The Original Mother" It is set in New Orleans so add it to your library and continue reading Thyra's Journey. Its on my profile now!!!!

"I mourned you for a century"

Thyra is back and ready to cause havoc in New Orleans. What will happen when the original wife is reunited with her husband after months apart, will she fall into his arms or will sparks fly.

It has been a century since Thyra set foot in New Orleans, she left the city with a broken heart after the death of her only son what will happen when Thyra is comes face to face with her little warrior, the son she thought had died long ago the son she mourned for.

Find out in The Original Mother.

(Sequel to the Original Wife)



I want to take the time to thank everyone for reading my story. This story was my first ever fan-fic and I can't believe how many people liked it ,I still cannot believe how many reads, vote and comments this story has gotten you are all amazing.

Thank you to everyone who read my story.

Thank you to everyone who voted for my story.

Thank you to everyone who commented on my story.

Thank you to everyone who followed me because of this story.

Thank you to everyone who pointed out mistakes which helped me make my story better.

Thank you to everyone who left heart-warming, nice and positive comments about my story and everyone who told me I was doing a great job.

Thank you to all the fan-girls still can't believe I have fan-girls haha!

Thank you to everyone who private messaged me with complements and who asked my opinion on there stories I can't believe some users want my opinion like really amazing

Honestly thank you all for taking this journey with me you are all amazing so thank you my lovelies I love you all.


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