After School Special

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So Thyra has been daggered for 4 episodes basically what happened was Elena's sired to Damon. Conner (the hunter is dead killed by Elena) Carol Lockwood is dead all Klaus hybrids un-sired themselves with the help of Haley who lead them to their death, Klaus killed them all (love that scene). Jeremy is the new hunter. April found out about vampires and un-daggered Rebekah. Bonnie is being mentored by Professor Shane, (who also knows Haley and Connor) who everyone is wary of and who also knows about how to get to the cure, they are the main points so here we go.

Season 4 Episode 10

I gasped for breath and sat up; I looked down and saw I was in a coffin. I was confused at first then I remembered that Niklaus had daggered me. At first I felt sad and just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry, but then I was angry. I wanted to kill him tear him apart and bury pieces of his body across every continent in the world.

I got out of my coffin then looked at it; it was pure white with silver handles and a blood red interior, it was unlike my siblings whose coffins were black. This meant he had this coffin made especially for me. I screamed in rage a lifted the coffin up and threw it across the room with all my strength the coffin smashed into pieces. Unfortunately this didn't clam my rage.

"I'm going to murder him" I hissed shaking with rage.

"All in good time darling" I spun around and saw Kol standing in the doorway looking amused no doubt due to my little show.

"Where is he Kol" I stated with gritted teeth trying and failing to keep my anger under control.

"Not here I'm afraid, though I would love to see his face when he realizes your coffin has been misplaced". When he said that I took in my surroundings and realized I was at Rebekah's house.

"Well then let's see how he reacts when he see's his wife has awoken from her deep slumber" I smirked.

"No can do darling Rebekah who has also been recently un-daggered needs our assistance at the high school. Something about getting answers from a doppelganger, she said you'd be interested, that's if you can keep you plans for revenge under control for a little bit" he laughed.

"The bastered daggered her as well" I said to myself.

"Just how long have I been daggered Kol?" I asked quietly.

"A few weeks you missed Christmas, I wondered why you didn't send me a gift" he mused.

"How does chopping your brother into a million pieces sound".

"It would be the ultimate gift" he grinned.

I was still wearing the dress I was daggered in and I also smelled like death, so I took a shower and put on the clothes Rebekah had bought for me, before she and Kol brought me here. She picked out a pair of black, shiny looking skinny jeans; she paired it with a strappy peplum top that had a black, pink and white flower design and a zip down the front. Lastly she had gotten me a pair of six inch, black, open-toed, lace up ankle boots. I smiled Rebekah knew me so well.

After getting dressed, doing my hair and make-up I was ready and I have to say I looked pretty badass. I was seriously in love with my shoes I must thank Rebekah. I walked downstairs and saw Kol waiting with a young boy.

"Thought you might be peckish" he smirked.

"Starving" I muttered. I put on my game face and sunk my teeth into the human's neck.


"I thought we were going to the school" I questioned as we drove away from mystic falls.

"We have to pick up something first" Kol said throwing me his phone I opened the text from Rebekah.

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