When I left him

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(Edited 26-04-17)

1952 New York City

It was the year Queen Elizabeth II had become Queen of England, Churchill announced they did indeed have a Nuclear weapon. The year America announced peace with the Japanese after the devastation of Pearl Harbour years before. The diary of a young girl later known as the diary of Anne Frank was published. Both the summer and winter Olympics were held and it was also the year my heart was shattered and rendered unfixable.

I was laying down on the velvet chaise lounge in our huge living area, in our massive New York City penthouse reading the latest issue of Vogue.

It was about time the humans made a magazine that understood my need to know the latest fashions while in the comfort of my own home. I had just come back from another huge shopping spree and after seeing the latest issue I planned to go on another tomorrow.

I was surrounded by no less then a hundred shopping bags, shoe boxes and hat boxes. From Coco Chanel to Christian Dior and Pierre Balmain, I bought it all how I loved fashion.

I knew my latest excursion would drive Nik crazy. I was furious with him which was nothing new we had been arguing more and more lately.

I knew adding to my already overstuffed closet would irritate him this meant he would have to sacrifice yet another room to satisfy my closet needs I had already converted two of the four bedrooms into closet space maybe I could use his office space next.

"Lucas" I called our compelled human butler.

"Yes, Mrs Mikaelson" he replied formally, he was youngish in his late thirties early forties.

"Call the contractor we used to renovate the apartment tell him to come by tomorrow, I have a job for him I wish to expand my closet space again. I'm sure he has the blueprints still on file if not send someone over with them, oh and tell him we will be using my husband's office for the extra space" I grinned wickedly.

"Maters office Madame?" he asked nervously, no afraid Nik would kill him.

"Yes, Lucas is that a problem?" I wondered glaring at him.

"No Madame I'll get to it right away" he stuttered before scurrying away.

"Anna" I shouted.

"Yes Miss?" the twenty-something year old maid questioned.

"Come here" I smirked.

I sat up and grabbed an empty glass from the drinks tray beside me as I beckoned her forward.

I grabbed her wrist biting into it making her hiss in pain, I drank a few gulps before pulling away and squeezing her wrist over the empty glass filling it with the mouth-watering substance.

I handed her a handkerchief from the table to stop the blood and shooed her away, before lying back down and sipping her slightly spicy blood, she certainly was delicious.

I could feel the breeze on my bare feet as I listened to the New York traffic coming from the open window. I loved New York it was my favourite place other than New Orleans, it was always busy and there was always something to do, I don't think I would ever get sick of it.

My thoughts drifted back to Nik, I knew it was childish to ruin his office and buy all these clothes just to get under his skin but I couldn't help myself, I needed some sort of reaction other than the coldness which now radiated off him.

This is what our relationship had been reduced to, getting under one another's skin until one of us snapped, ignore each other for a week until one of us gave in and then make-up it was a vicious cycle, one we had been partaking in ever since Elijah left and he daggered Rebekah in the 1920s.

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