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First off thank you miss -Rapturous  the nomination. This is apparently the new wattpad trend haha so here it goes.👌

PS you have to finish within 3 days.😉


1. You must post all the rules or else! (I kid)

2. You must tag 13 people to do this next (I'll do less cause let's face it 13 is a lot)

3. You must post 13 facts about yourself.

4. You must answer the 13 questions given am create 13 more to past on

5. You can't say you don't do tags!

6. No tag backs aloud


Thirteen facts about me:

1. I'm Irish. Dia Duit✋ (it means hello in Irish)🍀

2. I plan to travel the world once I save enough money.✈️

3. I'm obsessed with vintage. Clothes, hair, furniture EVERYTHING!!!! My dream would be to have my own vintage shop.

4. I have blue eyes and long dark brown hair. I'm very pale (thank god for fake tan)💁

5. I'm 5'2 (munchkin right here)

6. I adore anything to do with fashion, hair or make-up I'm seriously the ultimate girly-girl!!!!

7. I have 2 older sisters and a niece and nephew which I spoil (they get away with murder around me)

8. I'm a very creative person give me art supply's and I will love you!! 🎨

9. I love chocolate 😍 and I despise butter like the smell makes me sick!!!😷

10. I love going on nights out!! Shots Shots Shots!!!!🍸🍹🍷

11. I don't have a huge group of friends just 3 close ones and I couldn't ask for better ones.

12. I'm obsessed with My tv shows if you make me miss an episode do not talk to me!!! Game of thrones, American Horror story, TVD, the originals, PLL, Nashville, The Big Bang Theory(Sheldon cooper I love you), Awkward and Shameless! (I might have forgotten 1 or 2)

13. I hate when people comment at the end of a chapter update it drives me insane!!! Like just the word update!!! So please stop thank you 😊

Thirteen Questions about me:

1.Favorite celebrity?
Blake Lively(Lucille's face claim) I've been obsessed since her gossip girl days. Her sense of fashion/style her hair and she seems so down to earth   Imagine having blake lively as your best friend!!!

2.Celebrity crush?
Johnny Deep god that man never stops being beautiful even in his 50s I wouldn't turn him away no chance!!!

3.Favorite Wattpad author?
I refuse to choose because I don't know 😂😂

4.Favorite fanfic?
Empire by @bookishhipster (Chuck Bass)❤️

5.Favorite story on Wattpad?
Illegal my ass by @makeandoffer one of the first stories I read on Wattpad and it blew me away I'd be in class reading updates screaming to myself it's an amazing story. I've read it like 3 times.💋

6.Favorite Movie?
The Breakfast Club because who doesn't adore Bender!! And Beauty and the beast because I'll always be a child at heart.

7.What's your most embarrassing moment?
Falling in the middle of a large crowd (there was a match on) about 3 years ago it was such a big loud fall that even the police laughed at me. God I'm cringing thinking about it.

8.Future Career?
Used to be Interior Design now I'm leaning towards fashion because I love clothes!!!

9.Who are your favorite ships?
Chair (Chuck and Blair)
Klijah (Katherine and Elijah)

10.If you could bring back 1 cancelled show what would it be?
Xoxo Gossip Girl

11.If you could meet a celebrity who would it be?
Ed Sheeran because he looks like fun to hang out with like seriously imagine going on a night out with this man!!! 

12.Favorite clothing store?
H&M(especially during a sale)

13.What's a weird Thing about you?
My laugh when I'm Drunk I sound like a cartoon character 😂


Thirteen Questions for you:

1.What is your favorite TV show?

2.What is your favorite TV show character and why?

3.Favorite actor/actress?

4.The Vampire Diaries or The Originals?

5. Your best feature?

6. What is the thing that annoys you most in the world?

7. Harry Potter or Twilight and why?

8. Favorite time of year and why?

9. The last book you read on Wattpad and what did you think of it?

10. Favorite story on Wattpad?

11. What annoys you most as an author?

12. Who is your Wattpad buddy/bestfriend

13. What do you love most in life?

I nominate ...  SprayberryXO PageLane @kol_has_my_heart --Tainted_Mikaelson beaconhillssavannah DeeTunechi mikaeIsons VampiresAdoreMe thequeenofscreams WildFireHeartx

Enjoy My Lovelies 💋 xoxo

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