The Five

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I've picked the name for Nik and Thyra. Thank you for all your suggestions.

Nik + Thyra = Nyra

So thank you to -Rapturous Brooke4realz lovely_psyscho and nicole-8-6-3 for the suggestion #TeamNyra

Season 4 Episode 4

"Where are you off to in such a hurry?" I asked Nik who was heading towards the door.

"If you must know love I'm off to see Rebekah".

"How convenient that now that the five have made, a reappearance you're off to make amends with your sister. This wouldn't have anything to do with a certain sword that disappeared centuries ago" He looked like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Sometimes I hated how well I knew my husband.

"I'm doing as you asked angel, I'm apologizing" he said smiling sweetly showing of his dimples.

"Don't tell her your sorry unless you mean it Niklaus, you really hurt her". He rolled his eyes and kissed my head before walking away. Then a thought accrued to me so I ran after him.

"Are you seriously leaving your wife alone in the presence of one of the five, have you forgotten what happened last time" I said to him as he was getting into his car.

"I have every faith you'll be fine love, besides I have my hybrids on high alert" he smirked and drove off.


I walked to the kitchen to grab a blood-bag before doing my hourly check on the hunter. My heels clicked on the hardwood floor as I walked towards the kitchen, I stopped in my tracks and took a deep breath before smirking. In the blink of an eye I had the youngest Salvatore against the wall by the neck.

"Didn't anyone tell you it's rude to sneak up on a lady Mr Salvatore" he grunted as I squeezed his neck tighter.

"Now the last time you entered my home uninvited you tried to end my husband, so excuse me if I'm not so welcoming, now tell me why you're here and I might just let you walk out of here only slightly maimed" I sneered loosening my grip slightly so he could speak.

"The ..." he wheezed out.

"Well why didn't you say so Stefan" I laughed and dropped him on the floor. I made the motion for him to follow me and I walked towards the double doors beside the living room. I opened them up to reveal the hunter whose hands and feet were kept in place with the aid of a medieval torture device. Stefan cautiously walked into the room looking at the hunter. He walked closer to the man when my voice stopped him.

"You can look all you want Stefan, but don't touch" I smirked. I heard a car pull up and smiled.

"Sounds like my husband is home stay here and don't do anything stupid. I'd hate to see Elena lose yet another person she loves" I said to Stefan the walked out of the room to meet Nik.

Nik looked angry when he walked through the door. This made me laugh I knew Rebekah wouldn't give in to his horrible apology.

"I take things with Bekah went well" Nik glared at me which made me laugh harder.

"How is our hunter?" Nik asked changing the subject.

"Waking up, he has company" Nik looked at me with a raised brow and walked to where the hunter was being held.

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