Do Not Go Gentle

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Season 3 Episode 20

I woke up that morning wrapped in Nik's arms I smiled and rolled over so I could look at his face. He looked so peaceful free of worry and revenge. I took my hand and traced my fingers lightly across his jaw his stubble tickled my fingertips which made me grin, my fingers changed course and ran along his nose then across his light pink lips. Last night Klaus told me how Esther had finally died I couldn't say I was sad though. Then suddenly in the blink of an eye I was on my back with Nik hovering above me.

"Well this is a nice surprise and here I thought we'd have a repeat of last time with you trying to sneak out again" he said cockily but I could see the fear in his eyes.

"I meant what I said last night Nik I'm not leaving you again" I told him sincerely

"Good now lets continue from where we left off last night shall we angel" he said smirking while leaning down to kiss my neck

"Yes" I moaned as he hit the sensitive spot at the base of my neck.


After another hour in bed and another in the shower Klaus and I had finally pulled ourselves from our bedroom and headed downstairs. I didn't bother getting dressed as I was planning to pull Klaus away for more catching up if you know what I mean. So I simply wore a white see through shirt with cap sleeves and some grey pyjama bottoms to roam the house, my wet hair was pulled back into a pony away from my face. I grabbed two blood bags from the kitchen and drank them as all the exercise from last night and this morning had made me quite thirsty. I walked from the kitchen into Klaus studio to see him working on the painting from last night.

"Looks good" I said

"What do you think of leaving" he asked his attention now fully on me as I sat on the table beside him.

"What do you mean" I questioned

"Me you Rebekah and the doppelganger leaving MysticFalls" he said

"Me you Rebekah yeah but Nik you know how I feel about doppelgangers I'd end up killing her you know that" I pouted

"We could always compel her to behave" he said now standing between my legs holding onto my waist as I put my arms around his neck.

"Okay" I gave in

"But if I kill her don't blame me" I said pointing at him.

"Wouldn't dream of it" he mumbled leaning in to kiss me but we were interrupted by Rebekah strolling through the doors.

"What took you so long" Nik asked pulling away from me

"Alaric didn't want to hand over the steak luckily I'm quite the charmer" Rebekah said

"See this is why I love you Bekah" I smiled at her

"So that's it" Nik smiled showing his dimples

"The last of the white oak stakes that can kill us do you want to do the honours or shall I" she asked with no emotion weird! Nik took the stake from her hand and threw it in the fire.

"Well that's that then" Rebekah said then went to walk away.

"Pack your bags Bekah were finally getting out of this hell hole I'm thinking the cocktails in the Caribbean" I said happily as Nik chuckled

"Today" Rebekah

"Why not? There's nothing keeping us here we'll grab the doppelganger and be off by sunset" Nik said as he went back to his painting

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