The Beginning

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(Edited 11-04-16)

It all started a thousand years ago ....

I walked through the fields by my home, humming the lullaby my sister sang to her son every night, I looked around for the particular wildflowers I liked to pick, they would help brighten up our home.

I was deep in my thoughts, humming my tune when suddenly my sister snuck up behind me.

"Boo!" she shouted in my ear, causing my eardrums to ring. She giggled as I jumped in fright then squeezed my shoulders.

"Tatia you scared me half to death" I exclaimed, placing my hand above my heart.

"Sorry little sister I could not resist, you were away with the fairies again little one". Ever since I could remember my sister and mother had called me little one, I didn't mind, it showed my sisters love for me. I rolled my eyes at her and sat down in the tall grass pulling my eldest sister down to my side.

"So tell me have you made your decision yet dear Tatia?"

"Who will you choose the noble Elijah or the ever so charming Niklaus" I mocked fluttering my eyelashes.

I asked her this question once a week, usually her answer was always the same, she didn't know, it was a great source of amusement for me as I loved to tease her.

"As a matter of fact I have little one" she giggled again and poked my nose; my eyes grew wide with surprise.

My sister Tatia was married many years ago, to a man named Eric and they had a child together but it was a loveless marriage, he was twice her age and never saw past my sister's beauty. Unfortunately Eric died not to long after my nephew was born in battle.

Tatia then decided to move back to our village to try and find real love, it wasn't long after she returned home that she met the Mikaelson brothers, Elijah and Niklaus of course they were smitten with her, no surprise there my sister was not only beautiful, but she was charming, seductive and witty.

Although I loved my sister with all I my heart, I wished she would have just picked one brother and save the other some heartbreak. Instead she was stringing them both along causing problems for everyone.

"So tell me Tatia, who did you choose? Do not leave me in suspense" I was really anxious to hear her decision.

"Are you sure you want to know Thyra?" she smirked.

"Tatia please stop and just tell me already".

"Oh you're no fun" she pouted.

She took a deep breath, leaned in and whispered "Elijah" into my ear.

"I KNEW IT" I screamed throwing my hands in the air. Elijah was just what Tatia needed he was kind, sweet, would do anything for Tatia and her son, she needed someone grounded like Elijah.

"Shh" Tatia exclaimed while laughing at my excitement.

"I know people have been waiting for my decision for a long time, but I wanted to make sure I was choosing the right one and he is, oh he is Thyra. He's so kind, noble, loving and gentle, he's perfect Thyra! I love him so much". My sister gushed, I was happy for her Tatia deserved true happiness.

I smiled widely at her as I took in the pure happiness that shone in her brown doe like eyes, which were almost identical to mine.

"How did Niklaus take the news?" I questioned her smile faltered.

"As well as can be expected, he has said he loved me, although he does not look at me the way Elijah does. I think it was simply lust or infatuation more than anything else. He'll be fine little one don't worry your pretty little head" my sister said wrapping her arms around me as she basked in her joy.

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