All My Children

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The present Season 3 episode 15

            The sunlight beaming through my eyes woke me up that morning "Guess I forgot to close the curtains" I groaned as I rolled over onto my pillow. I then felt something crumble underneath my hand I sat up and looked down it was a slightly crumbled piece of paper I picked it up and smoothed it out, It was a drawing of me in pencil a grin lit up my face I knew only one person could have done this Nik.

For a second I forgot why I was staying away from him and ignoring his advances until I saw the message at the bottom "For my angel forgive me" my smile dropped as I remembered why I had left him in 1952 flashes of him with the dagger above my heart flashed through my head. I shook myself and got out of bed I opened my bedside table and pulled out an old box as I opened it, I placed the new drawing with all the others he had given me over the centuries and put the box back in its place. I mean just because I despise him doesn't mean I have to throw away a lovely portrait of my self right?

            I ignored the thoughts in my head and went for a shower to wash last night away after which I went to my newly designed closet and pick out an outfit. I pulled on some black leggings with leather patches on the sides and knees, I paired it with a cream top that had a unique leopard print design which was red and black on it and was longer at the back. I pulled on some simple black leather pumps and simple circular earrings. I threw my hair into an elegant bun and did some simple make-up with red lips.

            I went downstairs and grabbed a blood bag from the kitchen and poured it into a glass then walked into the sitting room with Klaus who was drawing and Kol both were sitting facing each other. Kol looked at me and spoke "well look sleeping beauty finally awakes"

"I think that's the other way around darling you were quite the sleeping beauty last night when you let Damon Salvatore break your neck. Really Kol you're an original" I teased him and Klaus chuckled. 

"You wound me darling" he replies holding his had to his heart and smirked

"Your ego is so big it would be hard to even leave a scratch on it" I say walking up behind him and kissing the top of his head. I heard Nik growl quietly I just smirked and sat in the armchair beside Kol.

"I have to say the 21st century looks stunning on you Thyra. Wouldn't you agree Nik?" Kol cheekily said. I could feel Nik's eyes look me up and down slowly as I drank my blood I could feel myself heating up under his gaze I hated my body for reacting this way after all theses years. Before Nik could reply I was saved by Rebekah walking through the door thank god!

"Well well well there's our girl" Kol said standing up facing Rebekah who was still in last nights dress looking disheveled with heels in hand.

"Get out of my way Kol" Rebekah said in and angry yet controlled voice

"Out all night what a scandal, I trust you did better than that commoner Matt was it?" Kol said baiting her

"If you don't shut your mouth the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth" Rebekah pushing Kol out of then way and walking toward the center of the room "Don't start Nik" she said sounding fed up

"I didn't say anything" he smirked and I rolled my eyes

"I'm bored" Kol said falling onto the sofa

"Your always board you've the attention span of a three year old" I said Kol just playfully glared toward me and continued "our sister is a strumpet but at leased she's having fun I need some entertainment"

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